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Current Exhibition: Current Exhibition: TORONTO IN ART, 1854-2010



CLICK HERE to see more of this EXHIBITION



Artists Include: 

Artists Include: Frank Milton Armington, Anne Meredith Barry, Aba Bayefsky, Joshua F. Biehn, James Jerris Blomfield, Fritz Brandtner, Phil Collins, Walter Jackson Coucill, Langley Donges, Andy Donato, Dewitt Drake, Jane Fick, Clifford N. Forster, Albert Jacques Franck, A.G., Sybil Goldstein, Julius Edward Lindsay Griffith, Frances Anne Johnston, Gerald Lazare, Manly Edward MacDonald, Gordon Robertson MacNamara, Lachlan Mclean Morrison, Guttorn Otto, Isobelle Chestnut Reid, Enid Robbie, Beatrice Hagarty Robertson, F. Wolfgang Schilbach, C. Smith, Peter  Stoyan, George Campbell Tinning, Toronto Maps, Sydney Hollinger Watson, Edwin Whitefield, Alan Dent Wilson, Ronald York Wilson, etc.



D & E LAKE LTD. Fine Arts


1199 Yonge Street, Toronto, Canada, M4T 3A8  T. [416] 944-2324  F. 944-2296  e-mail: fineart@delake.com   www.delake.com
Hours: Monday to Friday 10 to 5, Saturday 10 to 5, other times by prior arrangement.













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D & E Lake Ltd. Fine Arts

1199 Yonge Street - Toronto, Canada - M4T 3A8 fineart@delake.com 416.944.2324

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1177 Yonge Street - Toronto, Canada - M4T 2Y4 themews@delake.com 416.921.2401

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