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CHAPPELL, Edward [1792-1861].
Narrative Of A Voyage To Hudson's Bay In His Majesty's Ship Rosamond Containing Some Account Of The North-Eastern Coast Of America And Of The Tribes Inhabiting That Remote Region.
London: Printed For Mawman By R.Watts, 1817..
8vo. pp. 6 p.l., 279. 1 folding engraved map, 4 engraved plates (3 double-illustrated), & 2 wood engravings in the text. modern half calf (some foxing to plates & neighbouring leaves, plates offset). First Edition. A lieutenant in the British Navy, Chappell made two separate voyages in the ship Rosamond to the northeast coast of Canada, the first in 1813 to Newfoundland and Labrador to patrol the British North American fisheries, and the second in 1814 to Hudson's Bay to convoy two vessels of the Hudson's Bay Company and a Moravian mission brig. A considerable portion of this journal of the second voyage is devoted to an interesting and sympathetic account of the Inuit of the Hudson's Bay region and Labrador. Chappell also describes six coast and river forts of the Hudson's Bay Company at the time, i.e. Churchill, York, Severn, Moose, Albany, and East Main, and expresses profound disapproval of the monopolistic and secretive policies of the company. Included are a vocabulary of the Cree or Knisteneaux First Nation and some brief discussion of Lord Selkirk's Red River Settlement. Arctic Bib. 2994. Lande 1117. Pilling, Eskimo, p. 72. Sabin 12005. TPL 976. Story p. 167.
$1000 USD Book Number: elala5627 Order / Enquire
CHERRY-GARRARD, Apsley [1886-1959].
The Worst Journey In The World Antarctic 1910-1913.
New York: Lincoln Mac Veagh, The Dial Press, 1930..
8vo. pp. 1 p.l., lxiv, 300, [4], 301-585. 5 maps (3 folding) & 48 plates (5 in colour, incl frontis.). original cloth (spine faded to tan). First One-Volume American Edition. Spence 282.
$250 USD Book Number: elala2680 Order / Enquire
CHRISTIAN, Edgar [Vernon] [1908-1927].
Death In The Barren Ground. Edited by George Walley.
[Ottawa: Oberon Press, 1980]..
12mo. pp. 192. full-page map, 4 full-page illus., 2 facsimile letters in text & title illus. cloth. dw. (edges of wrs. rubbed). Second Enlarged Edition, the First Canadian Edition, of Christian's diary recording the ill-fated trapping expedition to the Barren Lands undertaken with his older cousin, John Hornby, and a young companion, Harold Adlard, in 1926-27. Unfortunately they had insufficient food to survive the winter and perished from starvation near the Thelon River, Northwest Territories. Christian, who was the last to die, left the diary published here in the stove of their cabin. Editor Whalley has added a lengthy introduction containing background information on the three men and the text of various letters written by Christian relating to the trip. He has also appended the text of Hornby's will, Christian's last letters to his mother and father, and the RCMP report regarding their investigation.
$150 USD Book Number: elala5865 Order / Enquire
CONWAY, Sir William Martin [1856-1937].
The First Crossing of Spitsbergen...With contributions by J.W.Gegory, A.Trevor-Battye, and E.J.Garwood.
London: J.W.Dent & Co., 1897..
8vo. pp. 6 p.l., 371. with half-title. 2 folding coloured maps, 8 colour plates reproduced from sketches by H.E.Conway, & c100 plates & text illus. from photographs & sketches. A very good copy in original two-tone cloth, top edge gilt, others uncut (spine bit spotted, occasional light foxing). armorial bookplate of Heber Mardon [1840-1896], one of the founders of the Bristol printing firm Mardon and Son. First Edition of this account of the author's exploration of the interior of West Spitsbergen in 1896. In all Conway together with his companions Gregory, Trevor-Battye and Garwood made thirteen mountain ascents including one of Mt. Hedgehog, conducted boat expeditions in most fjords, compiled a survey sketch of approximately 600 square miles of central West Spitsbergen, almost completed a circumnavigation of the main island, and gathered valuable geologic and natural history specimens. Arctic Bib. 3378. Neate 177.
$650 USD Book Number: elala5940 Order / Enquire
COOK, John A.
Pursuing The Whale A Quarter-Century Of Whaling in the Arctic.
London: John Murray, 1926..
8vo. pp. x, [1 leaf], 344. 16 plates. original cloth (spine ends bit frayed, small mark on lower spine). First Edition.
$100 USD Book Number: elala3569 Order / Enquire
CRANZ, David [1723-1777].
The History Of Greenland: Containing A Description Of The Country And Its Inhabitants: And Particularly A Relation of the Mission carried on for above these Thirty Years by the Unitas Fratrum, At New Herrnhuth and Lichtenfels, in that Country.
London: Printed for the Brethren's Society for the Furtherance of the Gospel among the Heathen; And sold by J.Dodsley, T.Bec
2 Volumes. 8vo. pp. 1 p.l., lix, 405; 1 p.l., 497, [1]errata. 2 folding engraved maps & 7 folding engraved plates. contemporary calf, rebacked preserving spine labels, corners renewed (paper lightly embrowned). First Edition of the English Translation. An authoritative description and history of Greenland and chronicle of the establishment and progress of the Moravian missionary settlements at New Herrnhuth and Lichtenfels. Cranz's work contains extensive discussion of natural history, whaling, sealing and fishing, the manners and customs of the native Greenlanders, their moral character, diseases, health and medicine, language, &c., and an account of early Norse exploration. Dr. Johnson declared that very few books had ever affected him so deeply as Cranz's. The continuation, covering the period 1763 to 1768, includes the narrative of Matthaeus Stach's travels in the south of Greenland, and further observations on the country and its inhabitants. Cox II p. 18. Lauridsen II 55. JCB I 1576 & Sabin 17417 (4 plates). cfBell C698.
$2198 USD | Book Number: elala351 | Order / Enquire |
CUNDY, Robert.
Beacon Six.
London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, [1970]..
8vo. pp. 253. 2 text maps (1 double-page) & 21 illus. on 8 double-side plates. index. bds. dw. (dw. price-clipped & with tears & some loss, the book very good except for slight loss to lower margin of 1 leaf). First Edition.
$75 USD Book Number: elala5866 Order / Enquire
DALL, William Healey.
Mollusks, Recent and Pleistocene. (Report Of The Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18 Volume VIII: Mollusks, Echinoderms, Coelenterates, Etc. Part A.Southern Party 1913-16).
Ottawa: J. de Labroquerie Taché, 1919..
8vo. pp. 29a. 3 plates. original printed wrs. Arctic Bib. 3595.
$40 USD Book Number: elala2559 Order / Enquire
DASENT, George Webbe [1817-1896].
The Story Of Burnt Njal Or Life In Iceland At The End Of The Tenth Century. From the Icelandic of the Njals Saga.
Edinburgh: Edmonston And Douglas, 1861..
2 Volumes. 8vo. pp. 1 p.l., [v]-cciv, 256; 1 p.l., [v]-xiii, 507. lacking half-titles? 5 folding engraved maps & plans (2 folding) & 4 engraved plates (1 double-page). A very nice set, bound in half morocco by Bradstreet's, t.e.g. (tear in 1 map repaired - no loss). leather ex-libris of Henry William Poor. First Edition. Dasent spent four years in Stockholm as secretary to the British envoy, Sir Thomas Cartwright. There he met Jacob Grimm, at whose encouragement he developed a life-long interest in Scandinavian literature and mythology. The introduction to this saga relating to Iceland contains important contributions by Gúdbrandr Vígfússon on the religion, superstitions, and organisation of the Icelandic commonwealth.
$699 USD Book Number: ASEeDASE46 Order / Enquire
DE LONG, George W[ashington] [1844-1881].
The Voyage Of The Jeannette. The Ship And Ice Journals Of George W. De Long, Lieutenant-Commander U.S.N., And Commander Of The Polar Expedition Of 1879-1881. Edited By His Wife, Emma De Long.
Boston & New York: Houghton, Mifflin And Company, 1884..
2 Volumes. 8vo. pp. xii, 440; xii, [441]-911. 20 plates (1 tinted lithograph, 2 steel engraved portraits & 17 wood-engravings), 7 maps (3 folding - 1 in rear pocket, 2 double-page) & numerous text illus. & maps (several full-page). wood-engraved title vignettes. A very nice set in original black, gilt & blind-stamped cloth (slight fraying to spine ends). Second American Edition. Account of the American Jeannette Expedition of 1879-81, financed by J.G.Bennett of the New York Herald, and commanded by George W.De Long. The Jeannette sailed from San Francisco into Bering Sea and through Bering Strait, but was caught in the ice near Herald Island in November of 1879. For nineteen months she drifted northwest until the ship was finally crushed and sank northeast of the New Siberian Islands. Twenty-five of the thirty-three men who abandoned the ship reached the Lena Delta, but there De Long and eleven others perished. The search expeditions for the survivors are also related here. Arctic Bib. 3839. cfNational Maritime Museum I 965. Smith 2391.
$500 USD Book Number: elala3244 Order / Enquire
DOBBS, Arthur.
An Account of the Countries Adjoining to Hudson's Bay in the North-west Part of America.
[Wakefield]: S. R. Publishers Limited & [New York]: Johnson Reprint Corporation, 1967..
4to. pp. 4 p.l., 211, [1], [2]ads. folding map. facsimile title. cloth. Fine copy. Facsimile Reprint.
$100 USD Book Number: elala5867 Order / Enquire
ELLIOTT, Henry W[ood] [1846-1930].
A Monograph Of The Seal-Islands Of Alaska. Reprinted, With Additions, From The Report On The Fishery Industries Of The Tenth Census.
Washington: Government Printing Office, 1882..
4to. pp. 3 p.l., 176. 2 folding frontis. maps with outline colour & 29 plates. several text maps with outline colour. complete with errata slip. original gilt-stamped cloth (covers spotted). Including Elliott's observations on the fur-seals of the Pribylov Islands, detailed descriptions of sea-lions and walrus, and supplemental notes on the Commander Islands, Veniaminov's account of the discovery of the Pribylov Islands and the Russian seal-industry, the organization and regulations of the Alaska Commercial Company, &c. Arctic Bib. 4544. Wickersham 8764. cfRicks p. 93.
$350 USD Book Number: elala1739 Order / Enquire
ELLIOTT, Henry W[ood] [1846-1930].
Alaska Og Saeloerne. Oversat Fra Engelsk Ved O.Storm.
Christiania [Oslo]: Alb. Cammermeyer, 1888..
8vo. pp. xii, 462. frontis. & many text illus. (some full-page). foldingmap. original black & gilt-stamped cloth (extremities frayed, map detached). First Edition of the Norwegian Translation of Elliott's popular Our Arctic Province, Alaska and the Seal Islands. cfArctic Bib. 4545. cfRicks p. 93. cfSmith 2799. cfWickersham 2372.
$150 USD Book Number: elala1738 Order / Enquire
FLEMING, Archibald Lang.
Archibald the Arctic.
New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, INC., [1956]..
8vo. pp. viii, [6], 399. 8 double-sided plates. maps on endleaves. quarter cloth (ex.-lib.).
$41 USD Book Number: AEMchFLE45 Order / Enquire
FLEMING, Archibald Lang.
Dwellers In Arctic Night.
Toronto: Missionary Society of the Church of England of Canada, 1928..
12mo. pp. x, 176, [2]. frontis. 23 double-sided plates. 1 text map. cloth (short tear to head of spine). Signed Presentation Copy.
$70 USD Book Number: AEMelFLE49 Order / Enquire
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