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CRANZ, David [1723-1777].. The History Of Greenland: Containing A Description Of The Country And Its Inhabitants: And Particularly A Relation of the Mission carried on for above these Thirty Years by the Unitas Fratrum, At New Herrnhuth and Lichtenfels, in that Country.

2 Volumes. 8vo. pp. 1 p.l., lix, 405; 1 p.l., 497, [1]errata. 2 folding engraved maps & 7 folding engraved plates. contemporary calf, rebacked preserving spine labels, corners renewed (paper lightly embrowned). First Edition of the English Translation. An authoritative description and history of Greenland and chronicle of the establishment and progress of the Moravian missionary settlements at New Herrnhuth and Lichtenfels. Cranz's work contains extensive discussion of natural history, whaling, sealing and fishing, the manners and customs of the native Greenlanders, their moral character, diseases, health and medicine, language, &c., and an account of early Norse exploration. Dr. Johnson declared that very few books had ever affected him so deeply as Cranz's. The continuation, covering the period 1763 to 1768, includes the narrative of Matthaeus Stach's travels in the south of Greenland, and further observations on the country and its inhabitants. Cox II p. 18. Lauridsen II 55. JCB I 1576 & Sabin 17417 (4 plates). cfBell C698.

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