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BEECHEY, Frederick William [1796-1856].. Narrative Of A Voyage To The Pacific And Beering's Strait, To Co-Operate With The Polar Expeditions: Performed In His Majesty's Ship Blossom, Under The Command Of F.W.Beechey...In The Years 1825, 26, 27, 28...
2 Volumes. 8vo. 1 p.l., [v]-xxvi, [2], 472; iv, 330, [2], [331]-452. lacking half-title in Vol. I? 3 folding engraved maps, 23 engraved & aquatint plates (4 double-page), & 1 text illus. A near fine set in contemporary calf, all edges gilt (some light wear, some spotting to covers, bookplate removed from front paste-downs). First Octavo Edition of "one of the most valuable of modern voyages." (Hill) Beechey's expedition was sent to explore uncharted areas of the Pacific, to pass eastward through Bering Strait while charting the coast, and to attempt to meet up with two expeditions seeking the northwest passage from the east, one overland from the Mackenzie River (N.W.T.) led by John Franklin and one naval from Prince Regent Inlet commanded by William Edward Parry. Beechey and Franklin came within 146 miles of each other, one of Beechey's vessels managing to penetrate as far as Point Barrow, Alaska, while Franklin turned back at Return Reef at about 149 degrees west. Beechey's narrative contains scientific data, descriptions of Eskimo life and culture, and much of importance relating to Alaska (including the Aleutian, Pribilov and other islands), the Tuamotu Archipelago, the Society Islands, Tahiti, Hawaii, Macao, Okinawa, and the coast of California. There are valuable accounts of Monterey and San Francisco prior to the American conquest, as well as a lengthy account of the mutiny of the Bounty, as related by its sole survivor, John Adams, at Pitcairn Island. Arctic Bib. 1228. Howes B-309. Lada-Mocarski 95n. Sabin 4347. Smith 704. TPL 1476. Zamorano 4. cfHill p. 19. cfLande S161. cfGagnon I 240. cfStreeter VI 3517. cfWickersham 6541.
$4000 USD