Routledge & Burton
Works from the Design Portfolios & Archives
Exhibition to January 10, 2007.
Donald Cameron Routledge studied interior design and decoration in Paris and New York under Frank Alvah Parsons of the New York School of Fine and Applied Art. In 1928 Traymore Limited, Toronto, hired Routledge to decorate this prestigious Savarin Restaurant. Together with his partner John Burton (a one-time professional actor) they designed interiors for clients in Toronto, London (Ont.), Florida etc. From 1930 to 1965 they were considered one of the most important interior design firms in Canada. Routledge & Burton also designed the interiors for Nash Galleries, Wong's Café. The Venetian Grill, and innumerable other private and commercial residences.
Visit Forma’s website at:
The Sampson-Matthews Silkscreens
Exhibition, January 13 to March 8, 2007
Alfred Joseph Casson, P-RCA. P-OSA. CSPWC. CPE. The Group of Seven. CGP. [1898-1992], was born in Toronto, Ontario, to a family of grocers. He studied at the Technical School in Hamilton under John Sloan Gordon and at Central Technical School, Toronto, under Alfred Howell. Later he studied under J.W. Beatty at the Ontario College of Art and privately under Harry Britton. From 1912 onwards he worked for several printing and design companies including, Laidlaw Lithography & Commercial Engravers Company, Hamilton. Casson executed his first linocut in 1917, which according to Dennis Reid (The Group of Seven, p. 20) was the first block print produced in Toronto. Casson continued to produce linocuts up to 1920, exhibiting them with the Society of Canadian Painter-Etchers and the Canadian Society of Graphic Arts. In 1919, the commercial firm of Rous & Mann hired Casson as an assistant to Franklin Carmichael.
The inclusion of three of his prints at the 1924 Wembley Show gave him international exposure. In 1926, as an associate of the RCA and a member of the Group of Seven, Casson followed Carmichael to the firm of Sampson-Matthews Limited. One of Canada's leading graphic art companies, Sampson-Matthews was co-founded by Ernest Sampson, a pioneer of silkscreen printing, and Charles Matthews. Casson’s duties at the firm included silkscreen design, typography planning and production supervision. It was also at this time that his interests moved from linocut to silkscreen. In 1927, he produced his first serigraph for Sampson-Matthews. The print, entitled ‘Canada Geese and Pussy Willows’, was used by the firm as a presentation gift to clients. Casson also produced ‘Crocuses’, as a commission from the Laura Secord Company. In 1931, he was involved with producing silk-screened Christmas cards for the William E. Coutts Company. A total of forty-six different cards were made featuring the work of twenty-six different artists. Casson also did work for the Canadian Malting Company, whose president was interested in building nature preserves across Canada, and produced a silkscreen entitled ‘Cranes’.
In 1942, Casson won first place at a national competition for Victory Bond War posters. He was also one of a number of artists who lobbied the government to finance the reproduction, in silkscreen format, of Canadian paintings for display at armed forces bases. The purpose of the project was to strengthen morale by providing soldiers with symbols of home. Following the death of Sampson, and Carmichael’s departure to teach at OCA, Casson became the art director and vice-president of the company. Dennis Reid (The Group of Seven, p. 23) notes, “beginning in 1943 some 9,000 prints were produced in the Sampson-Matthews plant under the able supervision of A.J. Casson who, during the 1930s, had contributed greatly to the refinement of the process.” Finally in 1953, under the auspices of the National Gallery of Canada, eighty-nine silkscreens were offered in a Sampson-Matthews catalogue. Patricia Ainslie praises Casson's colour prints as "notable for the uncluttered design and fine draughtsmanship, skills undoubtedly acquired in his years as a commercial artist." (Anslie, Images of the Land: Canadian Block Prints 1919-1945, p. 47).
Pochoirs from the 30s & 40s
Exhibition, March 10 to May 3, 2007
Pochoir is the French word for stencil. This term is usually applied to a class of print that is hand-coloured through a series of carefully made forms (mostly cut from zink or copper sheets). A printed outline of the design is originally produced and then carefully hand-brushed. Each separate colour requires a different stencil (some pochoirs have had up to 250). The paints used are mainly watercolour based or gouache but some works in oil have also been made. An ancient technique originating in China, it was much in vogue in Paris during the early decades of the twentieth century. Though hardly known here in Canada some artists, notably A. J. Casson, made use of the process on occasion.
To view the Exhibition Card, please click here:
Paris Fashions Exhibition Card. |
The War Poster in the 20th Century
Exhibition, May 12 to August 2, 2007
War Posters from Canada, Great Britain, the United States, France, Germany and Austria by Artists: V. Aderente, Eric Aldwinckle, Viktor Arnaud, Jean Bonnerot, S.L. Bush, H. Chachoin, B. Chavannaz, Francis A. Halsted, James H. Daugherty, Georges Dorival, Henri Eveleigh, Jules Abel Faivre, R. Filipowski, Jean Louis Forain, Gwen Fremlin, George Michael Illian, Leo Impekoven, Lionel Bell Jameson, Lucien Hector Jonas, A. Lelong, J.E.H. MacDonald, Alex. L. McLaren, G. Meneret, Herbert. Meyer, Lloyd Myers, Bernard Naudin, Gordon K. Odell, Edward Penfield, Georges Redon, Hubert Rogers, Maurice Romberg, Allen J. St. John, Joseph E. Sampson, George Scott, Archibald Stapleton, Theophile A. Steinlen, Albert Edward Sterner, F. Strothmann, Philip Surrey, Russel A.J. Taber, Bert Thomas, Henri Villain, Elsworth Young, Joseph von Diveky, George H. Wright, etc.
To view the Exhibition Card, please click here:
PROPAGANDA & WAR Exhibition Card. |
The British Watercolour Tradition
A Selection of Works, 1820-1920
Exhibition, August 4 to October 4, 2007
Some Artists include: Louis Burleigh-Bruhl, Henry Sharland Bunnet, Horace Chambers, Charles John Collings, Daniel Fowler, Andrew Archer Gamley, Charles Herbert Eastlake, E.W. Haslehust, Bartram Hiles, John Humphries, Samuel John Egbert Jones, J.W.A., Gertrude Kerr, J. Edgar Mitchell, S.V. Nash, C. B. Newhouse, S. G. Rowe, Eyres Simmons, W. Stephens, J Stanley Uren, Major James Wallace, Charles Jones Way, Arthur Wilkinson, George Harlow White etc.
T.F. Šimon
Colour Aquatint & Soft-Ground Etchings
Exhibition September 20 to November 29, 2007
Tavik František Šimon was born in 1877, Železnice, Bohemia. At the age of 17 he entered the Prague Academy of Arts. He graduated in 1903 and set up a small studio in Paris. Working on his own he mastered aquatint and soft-ground etching (later mezzotint and wood-cut). In 1905 he held his first solo show at the Manes Society, Prague. He met Vilma Kracikovat in France and they married in 1906. He exhibited at the Salon of 1907 and came to the attention of Frédéric Sagot and Georges Petit. He showed at international competitions and received acclaim for his “Paysages de Paris”. Though aware of new trends in art, he continued to develop his own unique style. In 1913 he returned to Prague but kept a studio in Paris (World War I was to keep him from the city). After the war he was commissioned by the Czech Defense Ministry to document places where battalions-in-exile fought alongside the Allies. In 1926 he began a world tour and visited major American cities, Hawaii, the Philippines, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Ceylon, India, Egypt, Greece, Naples and Marseilles. From 1928-1939 he was a professor at the Prague Academy of Arts. On December 19, 1942, he died at his home in Prague. Šimon was a master printmaker, graphic artist, teacher, and painter. He left an impressive body of work (over 600 prints) and is today collected on a world scale.
To view the Exhibition Card, please click here:
T.F. Šimon Exhibition Card. |
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