D & E Lake
239 King Street East
Toronto, Canada.
M5A 1J9
Tel. (416)863-9930
Fax (416)863-9443
Toll Free:
1. 877. 259.LAKE
Email: rarebooks@delake.com
Our shop, office, and galleries at 239 King Street East (at Sherbourne)
are housed in an attractive three-story 7,000 square foot renovated
Victorian building. We are conveniently located in downtown Toronto,
just eight blocks east of the financial core and close to the major
shopping centre. |
D & E Lake
Ltd. Fine Arts
1199 Yonge St.
Toronto, Canada.
M4T 3A8
Tel. (416)944-2324
Fax (416)944-2296
Toll Free: 1. 800.695.1052
Email: fineart@delake.com
Our gallery is conveniently situated at the southeast corner of Yonge
and Summerhill, part of the condominium building which replaces the
old Ports of Call. The Summerhill subway stop and public parking are
on Shaftesbury St., just southeast of us, in the same block. |
D & E Lake
Ltd. The Mews
1177 Yonge St., Units 8-9
Toronto, Canada
M4T 3A8
Tel. 416.921.2401
Fax. 416. 944.2296
Toll Free: 1. 800.695.1052
Email: mewsart@delake.com |
D & E Lake Ltd.
The Mews is in the same condominium building as D & E Lake Ltd. Fine
Arts and is located just a few steps northwest of the Summerhill subway
stop at Shaftesbury and Yonge.