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[WALSH, Robert] [1784-1858].
A Letter On The Genius And Dispositions Of The French Government, Including A View Of The Taxation Of The French Empire.
Boston: Farrand, Mallory & Co., 1810..
8vo. pp. 114. disbound (some foxing). Second Edition. Kress B5764. Sabin 101165. Shaw & Shoemaker 21935.
$85 USD                          Book Number: FALLe[WA50                         Order / Enquire

WELD, Charles Richard [1813-1869].
A Vacation In Brittany.
London: Chapman and Hall, 1856..
12mo. pp. xii, 351. with half-title. numerous wood-engraved text illus. (head & tailpieces) by G.Pearson after sketches by the author. original blind-stamped cloth (cloth discoloured, head of spine chipped, scattered light foxing & a few stains, tear in 1 leaf - no loss). First Edition.
$179 USD                          Book Number: FLDVaWEL57                         Order / Enquire

The Life Of Lamartine.
Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1918..
2 Volumes. 8vo. pp. [xiii], 462, [1]; [ix], 526, [2]. with half-titles. 18 plates. A fine untrimmed copy in original cloth. First Edition.
$77 USD                          Book Number: FITeWHIT43                         Order / Enquire

WINKLES, B[emjamin] [fl. 1829-1842].
French Cathedrals.From Drawings Taken On The Spot, By R.Garland, Archt. With An Historical And Descriptive Account.
London: Charles Tilt, 1837..
4to. pp. viii, [2], 169, [1 leaf]errata, [12]indices. 50 engraved plates (incl. additional engraved title). modern half calf, gilt back, top edge gilt (extremities bit rubbed, some faint foxing). First Edition. Ground plans and depictions of the Cathedrals of Amiens, Notre Dame, Chartres, Beauvais, Evreux, and Rouen.
$359 USD                          Book Number: TNKenWIN53                         Order / Enquire

WRIGHT, G[eorge] N[ewenham] [c1794-1877].
Life And Times Of Louis Philippe King Of The French.
London & Paris: Fisher, Son, & Co., [c1850]..
8vo. pp. 4 p.l., 624. 12 engraved plates incl. frontis. & additional title. contemporary diced calf, gilt back (corners worn, some foxing to plates). First Edition? The additional engraved title erroneously refers to 'Volume I'.
$150 USD                          Book Number: elala3096                         Order / Enquire

YOUNG, Arthur [1741-1820].
The Example Of France A Warning To Britain.
Bury St. Edmund's: Printed By J.Rackham.For W.Richardson.London, 1793..
8vo. pp. 1 p.l., 182, [5]incl. errata & ads. lacking half-title. contemporary half calf (some wear to spine & extremities, joints cracked, light foxing to outer leaves). Second Edition. Goldsmiths' 14892. Kress B2634.
$300 USD                          Book Number: elala1169                         Order / Enquire

YOUNG, Arthur [1741-1820].
Travels During the Years 1787, 1788, & 1789; Undertaken More Particularly With A View Of Ascertaining The Cultivation, Wealth, Resources, And National Prosperity Of The Kingdom Of France.
London: Printed For W.Richardson, & Bury St. Edmund's: Printed By J.Rackham, For W.Richardson, London, 1794..
2 Volumes. 4to. pp. viii, 629, [3]index; 2 p.l., 336, [4]index. with half-title in Vol. II. 3 folding engraved maps (1 hand-coloured). A very good clean copy bound in plain modern buckram. Second Edition. The most valuable account of the condition of France on the eve of the Revolution, written by the pre-eminent English writer on agriculture. Young, first secretary to the Board of Agriculture, was a prolific author and a great reformer of English agricultural practice. He pioneered the collection and use of statistical data in his writing, and had previously published four highly regarded accounts of his extensive tours through Southern England and Wales, Eastern England, Northern England, and Ireland. This second edition has been substantially revised and enlarged with a whole second volume added. Half of the first volume is devoted to a travelogue relating to Germany, Italy, and Spain, as well as France. This is followed by a detailed discussion of France, with chapters on soil, climate, produce, rent and price, courses of crops, irrigation, lucerne, sainfoin, inclosures, tenantry and size of farms, sheep, price of provisions, price of labour, support of the poor, rise of prices, produce, population, the police of corn, commerce, manufactures, taxation, Revolution, vines, silk, cattle, plants, waste lands, woods, tillage, manures and manuring. There are also sections on cultivation in Lombardy and Spain. Einaudi 6100. Goldsmiths' 15937. Kress B.2872. McCulloch 214. McDonald p. 213.
$600 USD                          Book Number: elala5314                         Order / Enquire

ZOLA, Émile [Édouard Charles Antoine] [1840-1902].
La Curée. [At Head of Title:] Les Rougon-Macquart Histoire naturelle et sociale d'une famille sous le second Empire II].
Paris, Brussels.: Librairie Internationale, A.Lacroix, Verboeckhoven Et Cie., 1871..
18mo. pp. 360. A fine copy, untrimmed in original printed wrs. preserved in slipcase with morocco-backed chemise. First Edition, issue with publication date '1872' on front wrapper. There was no limited issue on large paper. Variously translated into English as The Rush for the Spoils, The Hounds Fee, and more recently, The Kill, La Curée is the scarce second novel from Zola's great twenty-volume Rougon-Macquart series, the 'chief monument of the French Naturalist Movement', which explores the scientific theme of the determing influence of heredity on character. The book was immediately censored upon publication. Vicaire VII 1202.
$2498 USD                          Book Number: elala172                         Order / Enquire

ZOLA, Émile [Édouard Charles Antoine] [1840-1902].
Madelaine Férat.
Paris: Librairie Internationale & Bruxelles, Leipzig & Livorno: A.Lacroix, Verboeckhoven & Cie., 1868..
18mo. pp. 3 p.l., 308, [1 leaf]. with half-title. modern half cloth, original printed rear wr. bound in. First Edition. Vicaire VII 1200.
$564 USD                          Book Number: FLAdeZOL66                         Order / Enquire

ZOLA, Émile [Édouard Charles Antoine] [1840-1902].
Oeuvres Complètes.Notes et Commentaires de Maurice Le Blond Texte de l'édition Eugène Fasquelle.
Paris: François Bernouard, [1927-29].
50 Volumes. 8vo. with half-titles. contemporary half morocco, t.e.g., original printed wrs. bound in (spines sunned & a few with rubbing or small nicks on raised bands). One of 5000 numbered copies on Vergé d'alfa.
$2997 USD    Book Number: elala1677         Order / Enquire

ZOLA, Émile [Édouard Charles Antoine] [1840-1902].
Renée Pièce En Cinq Actes Avec Une Préface Inédite De L'Auteur.
Paris: G.Charpentier & Cie., 1887..
12mo. pp. 2 p.l., 138, [1 leaf]. An uncut copy, in modern quarter cloth, morocco spine label, original printed wrs. bound in. First Edition. Vicaire VII 1223.
$461 USD                          Book Number: FLAnéZOL13                         Order / Enquire

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