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"MAC", Captain.
Canada; The Country, its People, Religions, Politics, Rulers, and its apparent Future, Being A Compendium Of Travel From The Atlantic To The Pacific, The Great Lakes, Manitoba, the North-West, and British Columbia.
Montreal: 1882..
8vo. pp. 1 p.l., 353, [22]ads. numerous text illus. (most full-page). original blind-stamped cloth. Enlarged Edition. Dionne III 1931.
$150 USD                          Book Number: elala3715                         Order / Enquire

Anno Regni Victoriae, Tricesimo Et Tricesimo-Primo Au Parlement tenu à Westminster... [Acte concernant l'Union et le gouvernement du Canada, de la Nouvelle-Écosse et du Nouveau-Brunswick, ainsi que les objets qui s'y rattachent. [29 Mars 1867]].
Quebec: Printed by Augustin Coté & George Thomas Cary, [1867]..
8vo. pp. xxxix. contemporary quarter calf (worn, joints cracked). cfTPL 4582. [BOUND WITH]: QUEBEC. LAWS, STATUTES. Statuts De La Province De Québec Passés Dans La Trente-Et-Unième Année Du Règne De Sa Majesté La Reine Victoria Et Dans La Première Session Du Premier Parlement Commencée Et Tenue À Québec, Le Vingt-Septième Jour De Décembre, En L'Année De Notre Seigneur Mil Huit Cent Soixante-Et-Sept. 8vo. pp. 172. Quebec: Printed by Augustin Coté & George Thomas Cary, 1868.
$250 USD                          Book Number: elala6116                         Order / Enquire

Doctor Charles Duncombe's Report Upon The Subject Of Education, Made To The Parliament Of Upper Canada, 25th February, 1836. Through The Commissioners Doctors Morrison And Bruce, Appointed By A Resolution Of The House Of Assembly In 1835, To Obtain Information Upon The Subject Of Education, &c.
Toronto: R.Reynolds, Printer, 1836..
8vo. pp. 256, 4. original cloth-backed bds. (short split in upper front joint, covers spotted, some scattered light foxing). A scarce and important report. Charles Duncombe [1792-1867], a prominent American-born physician and politician in Upper Canada, was appointed in 1835 to visit and report upon the systems of education pursued in the United States, and to offer recommendations for the educational institutions of Upper Canada. His report (pp. 68), in which he stresses the need for practical education and adequate financial support for common schools and teacher education, is followed by a lengthy appendix of supporting documentation (pp. 69-256). Although Duncombe's proposals were not immediately implemented, many would be introduced under the administration of Egerton Ryerson and would form the basis of Ontario educational policy until 1871, i.e. local assessment, elective school boards, female education, the creation of normal schools, non-sectarian religious instruction, &c. Fleming 1059. Gagnon I 1201. Sabin 21268. TPL 2011. DCB IX pp. 228-32.
$950 USD                          Book Number: elala1147                         Order / Enquire

CANADA In The Years 1832, 1833, And 1834. Containing Important Information And Instructions To Persons Intending To Emigrate Thither In 1835. By An Ex-Settler, Who Resided Chiefly "In The Bush" For The Last Two Years.
Dublin: Philip Dixon Hardy & London: Richard Groombridge, 1835..
12mo. pp. 3 p.l., [5]-132. original cloth, rebacked (covers stained, some foxing & light browning). First Edition. Scarce. The anonymous author remarks on prospects, the difference in the management of farms, the danger of being defrauded in the purchase of land, the comparative desirability of "the bush" and of a "cleared farm", the incivility and rudeness of the lower classes, equipment, hotels, choice and prices of land, cost of clearing land, wages, cattle and live stock, sawing timber, dairies, crops, &c. Casey I 1476. Dionne II 1104. Sabin 10379. TPL 1826.
$649 USD                          Book Number: elala3104                         Order / Enquire

(FITZROY, Augustus Henry, Third Duke of Grafton [1735-1811).
A First Letter To The Duke Of Grafton.
London: Printed for Isaac Fell, 1770..
8vo. pp. 3 p.l., 39. lacking half-title? disbound. First Edition. An attack on the Duke of Grafton's conduct while caretaker of the Ministry during Pitt's illness, including condemnation of misrule in the North American colonies.
$350 USD                          Book Number: elala1963                         Order / Enquire

Treaty Of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, Between His Britannick Majesty And The United States of America, Signed at London, the 19th of November, 1794. Published By Authority.
Quebec: William Vondenvelden, 1796..
4to. pp. 45. text in French & English on opposite pages. modern wrs. The definitive text, with American and British ratification, of Jay's Treaty of 1794, which arranged reciprocal concessions regarding trade and commerce between the United States and British North America, and provided for the appointment of a commission to settle the north-east boundary and for the withdrawal of British troops from American territory. Tremaine notes that the Quebec edition was probably reprinted from a copy of the edition printed in London by Edward Johnson in 1795 which had been despatched by Portland to Gov. Dorchester and laid before the Council at Quebec, May 17, 1796. The present copy includes (pp. 42-45) the 'Explanatory Article', sometimes not present, in which the rights of free intercourse and commerce as set forth in article 3, are re-affirmed and signed by P.Bond and Timothy Pickering. Tremaine 986. TPL 678. Vlach 284. Vlach, IQ, 579. Dionne I 44 & Lande 394 (pp. 39; without the 'Explanatory Article').
$1850 USD                          Book Number: elala6005                         Order / Enquire

The Seventh Report From The Select Committee Of The House Of Assembly Of Upper Canada On Grievances; to whom were referred Lord Viscount Goderich's Despatch, to His Excellency Sir John Colborne, of the 8th November, 1832. To Which Is Added, The Report From The Same Committee, On The Petition Of William Forsyth, Late Proprietor Of The Niagara Falls Pavilion. W.L.Mackenzie, Esq. Chairman. Ordered, by the House of Assembly, to be Printed, (2,000 copies) 10th April, 1835.
Toronto: M.Reynolds, Printer to the Hon. the House of Assembly, 1835..
8vo. pp. 6 p.l., 76(index), 2(errata), li, [1], 372, vi, 26, A-I, K-Y. with half-title. original cloth-backed bds. (covers soiled & worn but binding solid, spine label chipped, scattered light foxing). First Edition of this famous report, an eloquent and forceful indictment of the Family Compact Government, inspired and largely written by William Lyon Mackenzie. The grievances of the Reformers are listed in detail and demands are made for an elective legislative council and responsible government. A landmark document in the political history of Upper Canada. Francis Bond Head, in his Narrative (1839; p. 7), described it as "a large octavo grievance volume, in boards, containing 553 closely-printed has been calculated (I believe accurately) that there exist in this book more than three times as many gross falsehoods as pages!" Fleming 892. Gagnon I 2196. Lande 859. Sabin 10577. TPL 1929. Watters p. 885.
$2250 USD                          Book Number: elala6098                         Order / Enquire

(MONK, Maria [1817?-1849]).
AWFUL EXPOSURE Of The Atrocious Plot Formed By Certain Individuals Against The Clergy And Nuns Of Lower Canada, Through The Intervention Of Maria Monk. With An Authentic Narrative Of Her Life, From Her Birth To The Present Moment And An Account Of Her Impositions, Etc.
New York: Printed For Jones & Co. of Montreal, 1836..
12mo. pp. 11, 131. original patterned cloth (some chipping to extremities & spine label, some foxing). First Edition. Pointing out the manifest absurdities, contradictions and falsehoods of the Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk (1836), including sworn documentary evidence and a biographical sketch of Maria Monk. Maria Monk's narrative is one of the most famous examples of nineteenth century American anti-Catholic propaganda. The mysterious Maria Monk found ready help and encouragement in the publication of her charges by men associated with the American nativist movement, the Rev. George Bourne and the Rev. W.C.Brownlee. Within a few years of the appearance of her slanderous and scandalous disclosures of the wicked activities engaged in at the Hotel Dieu nunnery in Montreal (from where, she claimed to have just escaped), Maria Monk had slipped back into obscurity. She died on Welfare Island where she was imprisoned on charges of petty thievery and immorality. For an interesting account of the Maria Monk controversy, see Ralph Thompson's article 'The Maria Monk Affair' in 'The Colophon', Part Seventeen. TPL 7395. Lande 1992. Gagnon II 86. Sabin 49994.
$400 USD                          Book Number: elala2067                         Order / Enquire

Mackay's Montreal Directory, New Edition, Corrected In May & June 1857-58...
Montreal: Printed by Owler & Stevenson, [1857]..
12mo. [3]ads, [v]-xii, [13]-501, [2]ads. addenda & errata leaf on blue paper tipped in. illus. original roan-backed printed bds. (worn, head of spine damaged, front cover detached, tear in 1 leaf with slight loss). The alphabetical directory of the citizens of the city is followed by a classified business directory with the names of subscribers arranged under their respective professional and business heads, a directory of the insurance companies, banks, national and benevolent societies and institutions, public offices and churches, and a street guide. cfTPL 2541 & 5242.
$950 USD                          Book Number: elala5683                         Order / Enquire

SOUVENIR Of The Casino Minett and Newton Lake Rousseau - Muskoka.
[Ottawa: Photogelatine Engraving Co., Limited], nd..
oblong 12mo. accordion foldout of 10 tinted photo-based views. wrs.
$75 USD                          Book Number: elala4506                         Order / Enquire

THE FALLS Of Niagara: Being A Complete Guide to all the Points of Interest around and in the Immediate Neighbourhood of the Great Cataract. With Views Taken From Sketches By Washington Friend, Esq., And From Photographs.
London, Edinburgh & New York: T.Nelson & Sons & Toronto: James Campbell, 1858..
16mo. pp. 1 p.l., [v]-vi, [7]-64. lacking half-title? 12 colour plates, 1 map, 1 text illus., & title vignette. original bind-stamped cloth, gilt back (extremities frayed, hint of foxing). First Edition. Sabin 55116. Casey I 2678. TPL 8657. cfLande S2427 & cfDow II p. 1226 (later editions).
$150 USD                          Book Number: elala1841                         Order / Enquire

L'Indicateur De Québec & Levis...The Quebec & Levis Directory...1902-1903.
Quebec: Wm. Marcotte, 1902..
8vo. pp. ii-xvi(ads), 711. original blind & gilt-stamped cloth (extremities chipped & frayed, stain to rear cover).
$200 USD                          Book Number: elala4508                         Order / Enquire

REMARKS Upon Several Pamphlets Writ in Opposition to the South-Sea Scheme. Particularly, An Examination and Explanation of the South-Sea Scheme, &c. And A Farther Examination and Explanation, &c. And A Letter of Thanks from the Author of the Comparison between the Proposals of the Bank and the South-Sea, to the Author of the Argument shewing the Disadvantage that would accrue to the Publick from obliging the South-Sea Company to fix what Capital Stock they will give for the Annuities.
London: Printed for J.Roberts, 1720..
8vo. pp. 56. woodcut headpiece. modern quarter morocco. First Edition. "A criticism of three pamphlets which had espoused a conservative position regarding the national debt taken by the Bank of England." (Bell) Bell R218. Goldsmiths' 5863. Hanson 2801. JCB I 293. Kress 3295. Sabin 69523. Sperling 233. European Americana 720/199.
$1499 USD                          Book Number: elala1995                         Order / Enquire

(USSELINX, Willem] [1567-1647]). SWEDEN. SOVEREIGNS, &c., 1594-1632, (Gustavus II Adolphus).
Octroy Eller Privilegium Som.Gustaff Adolph.Thet Swenske nyys uprättadhe Söder Compagniet nädigst hafwer gifwit och bebrefwat.
Stockholm: Ignatius Meurer, 1626..
small 4to. [ff. 8]. woodcut arms on title. modern bds. (lower & inner margin of title repaired). "Charter of the Swedish Söder Compagniet, [or South Company], drafted by Willem Usselinx, granting it commercial and navigational rights in 'Africa, America and Magellanica'. (Alden) Desirous of securing for his country a share in the spoils of the New World, King Gustavus of Sweden invited Usselinx, chief organizer of the Dutch West India Company, to establish a general trading company in Sweden in October of 1624. Shortly thereafter Usselinx's draft of the charter was prepared, a prospectus for the company, originally known as the 'Australian Company', was issued, and royal assent was given. The Company played a fundamental role in the establishment of the colony of New Sweden in Delaware. Alden 626/130. Bell S823. Jameson 17. Sabin 98202. Winsor IV pp. 443-502.
$4995 USD                          Book Number: elala1915                         Order / Enquire

7TH Town/Ameliasburgh Township Past & Present.
np: [1984]..
8vo. pp. xi, 754. 2 double-page maps & numerous b/w illus. cloth. First Edition.
$58 USD                          Book Number: CHH7TH T74                         Order / Enquire

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