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GURNEY, Joseph John [1788-1847].
A Winter In The West Indies, Described In Familiar Letters To Henry Clay, Of Kentucky.
London: John Murray., 1840..
8vo. pp. xvi, 282, [1], [12]ads. with half-title. 2 etched plates (incl. frontis. of Sligoville, Jamaica). untrimmed in original blind-stamped cloth (faded, extremities chipped & frayed, tear to head of spine, scattered foxing). First London Edition. The English philanthropist spent three years touring North America on a gospel mission. The present work contains a description of his winter in the West Indies and his visits to Jamaica, Dominica, Antigua, Saint Thomas, Saint Christopher's and Cuba. See Sabin 29312 (incorrect collation). Smith, Friends Books 892. cfCundall 2246.
$461 USD                          Book Number: WRNWiGUR18                         Order / Enquire

HALL, A[rthur] D.
Cuba It's Past, Present, And Future. [BOUND WITH, as issued:] Porto Rico. Its History, Products And Possibilities.
New York: Street & Smith, [1898]..
2 Volumes in 1. 12mo. pp. 1 p.l., [5]-178; 171. with half-title to second title only. 2 folding coloured maps. original pictorial cloth, t.e.g. First Edition.
$200 USD                          Book Number: elala3574                         Order / Enquire

HAZARD, Samuel [1834-1876].
Santo Domingo, Past And Present; With A Glance At Hayti.
New York: Harper & Brothers, 1873..
8vo. pp. 2 p.l., [vii]-xxix, [1 leaf], 511 + 2(ads). folding map & 24 plates (incl. frontis. & plan). numerous text illus. title vignette. later cloth First Edition. The first nine chapters are devoted to the history and geography of the island while the remainder of the book relates to the American journalist's own personal observations. Hazard went to Santo Domingo in 1871 as an independent newspaper correspondent to report on the progress and findings of the United States Commission sent to investigate the condition and resources of the island. Congress at the time was considering Santo Domingo's application for admission into the Union. A bibliography occupies pp. xxi-xxix. Cundall 354a. Smith H67.
$410 USD                          Book Number: WZAntHAZ83                         Order / Enquire

Mont Pelée And The Tragedy Of Martinique A Study Of The Great Catastrophes Of 1902, With Observations And Experiences In The Field.
Philadelphia & London: J.B.Lippincott Company, 1903..
8vo. pp. xiii, 335. map, 33 plates (2 double-sided), & numerous text illus. original pictorial cloth, recased. First American Edition.
$125 USD                          Book Number: elala3472                         Order / Enquire

HUMBOLDT, [Friedrich Heinrich] A[lexander], Baron Von [1769-1859].
Ensayo Político Sobre La Isla De Cuba.Traducida Al Castellano Por D. J. B. De V. Y M.
Paris: Jules Renouard, 1827..
8vo. pp. 2 p.l., xxxii, 361, [1 leaf]errata. half-title with ads on verso. folding engraved map. contemporary calf, rebacked preserving spine label, corners renewed (some foxing throughout). First Edition of the Spanish Translation by José Lopez de Bustamente. Sabin 33720.
$1089 USD                          Book Number: WMBsaHUM53                         Order / Enquire

KNOX, John P.
A Historical Account Of St. Thomas, W. I., With Its Rise And Progress In Commerce...And Incidental Notices Of St. Croix And St. Johns...
New York: Charles Scribner, 1852..
12mo. pp. xii, [13]-271. folding lithographed map of St. Thomas & tinted lithographed frontis. original blind-stamped cloth (spine ends chipped). First Edition. The author was a pastor of the Reformed Dutch Church in St. Thomas. He provides a history of the Virgin Islands (Danish West Indies), with remarks on commerce, missions, and slavery, and a more particular account of St. Thomas with chapters on climate, geography, geology and natural history, religious sects, and working classes. He includes a catalogue of plants found on the island, a list of the names of the first colonists, and a list of names of Lutheran clergyman with dates of service (in our copy one of the names has been corrected in pencil). Sabin 38170.
$325 USD                          Book Number: elala5411                         Order / Enquire

LAMARTINE, A[lphonse Marie Louis De Prat] De [1790-1869].
Toussaint Louverture Poème dramatique.
Paris: Michel Lévy Frères, 1850..
8vo. pp. xxxiii, [2], 302. with half-title. contemporary quarter chagrin, all edges gilt (some moderate foxing, mainly to outer leaves). First Edition. Lamartine's play on the black insurrectionary leader of St. Domingo was first performed at the Théâtre de la Porte-Saint-Martin in Paris, on April 6, 1850. Included is a list of characters and actors, and passages omitted in the performance are marked in the text with an asterisk. Appended, pp. [245]-302, are various discourses on emancipation delivered by Lamartine as a member of the French Chamber of Deputies on April 23, 1835, May 25, 1836, February 10, 1840, and March 10, 1842. Vicaire IV 996. Sabin 38710. Not in Cundall or Ragatz.
$524 USD                          Book Number: WMAusLAM95                         Order / Enquire

LEADER, Alfred.
Through Jamaica With A Kodak.
Bristol: John Wright & Co. & London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd., 1907..
8vo. pp. xvii, 208. 2 frontis. (incl. colour map). numerous text illus. (most after photographs, some full-page). original pictorial cloth (library bookplate, numbers on spine, fraying to upper rear joint, lacking front free-endpaper, inner hinges cracked). First Edition.
$300 USD                          Book Number: elala4471                         Order / Enquire

LEGION [Pseud.].
A Letter From Legion To His Grace The Duke Of Richmond, &c. &c. &c. Chairman Of The Slavery Committee Of The House Of Lords: Containing An Exposure Of The Character Of The Evidence On The Colonial Side Produced Before The Committee. [WITH:] .A Second Le
London: S.Bagster, [1833]-1833..
[BOUND WITH:] A Second Letter.Containing An Analysis Of The Anti-Slavery Evidence Produced Before The Committee. 2 Volumes in 1. 8vo. pp. 2 p.l., 196; iv, 152. large folding broadside, Summary Of The Colonial Evidence, bound in after p. 194 of first title, apparently as issued. 19th century half calf (spine worn, broadside torn along folds but with no loss of text). First Editions. The author seeks to expose the witnesses appearing before the committee of the House of Lords named to investigate the true state of slavery in the West Indies (the Duke of Manchester, Henry John Hinchcliffe, John Baillie, Lord Seaford, Sir John Keane, and others) as being influenced by "strong personal interest, incapacitated by ignorance, or guilty of gross inconsistency". His allegations are based upon excerpts from actual published testimony. In the Goldsmiths' catalogue the broadside is noted as being issued with the Letter although it is not mentioned at all in the other bibliographies. The second work discusses the evidence given under such topics as Nature and Hours of Labour, Coercion and Disipline, Demoralized State of Colonial Society, Insurrection in Jamaica, Voluntary Labour -Hayti, &c. Cundall 2631-32. Goldsmiths' 28327-28. Ragatz pp. 519-20. Sabin 40330 (1st title only).
$1089 USD                          Book Number: WEGLe                         Order / Enquire

A Guide To The West Indies, Bermuda and Panama.
New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1914..
16mo. pp. ix, 533. 5 folding coloured maps. frontis. & 46 plates (45 double-sided). cloth (little soiled & faded, text block skewed).
$150 USD                          Book Number: dola370                         Order / Enquire

SPAIN. TREATIES, ETC., 1621-1665 (Philip IV).
Traicté de la Paix, Conclu le trentiesme Janvier de la présente Année 1648. en la Ville de Münster en Westphalie.
The Hague: Widow & Heirs of Hillebrandt Jacobsz van Wouw, 1648..
small 4to. [ff. 16]. woodcut title vignette. disbound. Including references to the West Indies and the West-Indische Compagnie. Alden 648/176 (citing pp. 30, in error?).
$359 USD                          Book Number: WAIaiSPA60                         Order / Enquire

Acts Of Assembly Passed in the Island of St. Christopher; From 1711, to 1735, inclusive. [WITH:] An Abridgement Of The Acts of Assembly, Passed in the Island of St. Christopher; From 1711, to 1740, inclusive.
London: Printed by John Baskett, 1739..
2 Parts with separate titles. folio. pp. x, 182; [1 leaf], clxvii-clxviii, 169-198. woodcut ornaments, initials & title vignette. engraved headpiece by G. Vander Gucht. modern quarter calf (title backed repairing marginal tears, some browning & marginal dampstains, several repaired tears with no loss of text, few leaves with wormtrack in upper blank margin). Discovered by Columbus in 1493, St. Christopher (St. Kitts) was the first of the Leeward Island to be colonized by the British (1623). Held jointly by the French and English from 1628 to 1713, the island was returned to Great Britain under the terms of the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713. This present collection of laws provides for the early English government of the colony, with acts relating to the militia, taxes, trade and commerce, negroes and other slaves, public works, &c. Although the pagination and collation are irregular, the work is complete as issued, pp. 165-182 with drop-heading: 'These following Acts were not come to Hand when the foregoing were printed off', inserted before the 'Abridgmeent' (see European Americana). European Americana 739/268 (6 copies). Sabin 75009 & JCB I 630 (citing pp. 198). cfCundall 254-55 (Acts.1664-1739). [BOUND WITH:] LEEWARD ISLANDS. LAWS, STATUTES, ETC. Acts of Assembly, Passed in the Charibbee Leeward Islands. From 1690, to 1730 [i.e. 1705]. folio. pp. 24, [4]. woodcut title vignette. engraved headpiece by G. Vander Gucht. (some browning & marginal dampstains, several marginal repairs, first few leaves with wormtrack in upper blank margin). London: John Baskett, 1740. European Americana 740/176 (5 copies). Cundall 211 [vide ANTIGUA]. cfSabin 12025.
$2563 USD                          Book Number: WtsST. C45                         Order / Enquire

ST. JOHN, Spenser [Buckingham] [1825-1910].
Hayti Or The Black Republic.
London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1884..
8vo. pp. xiv, [1 leaf], 343. folding partially hand-coloured engraved map. original black & gilt-stamped cloth, recased (covers rubbed, spine ends repaired with darker coloured cloth). First Edition. St. John wrote this account of Haiti after spending several years there as a chargé d'affaires and later, resident minister. Included are chapters on population, voodoo worship and cannibalism, and a general description of the country and its history. Cundall 507.
$205 USD                          Book Number: WytST. J71                         Order / Enquire

STERNE, Henry.
A Statement Of Facts, Submitted To The Right Hon. Lord Glenelg, His Majesty's Principal Secretary Of State For The Colonies. Preparatory To An Appeal About To Be Made By The Author, To The Commons Of Great Britain, Seeking Redress For Grievances Of A Most
London: Printed By J.C.Chappell, 1837..
8vo. pp. xii, 282, vii, [1]. folding genealogical table. original cloth (extremities slightly frayed). First Edition. A vivid exposé of the state of justice and treatment of the freed slaves in Jamaica from 1834-36, published at the author's expense. After a long period of residency in Jamaica, Sterne became involved in several legal actions and ensuing conflicts with the governor and the chief justice. The present work contains details of numerous trials and inquests relating to miscarriages of justice, including copious documentation of severe flogging of freed slaves. Despite abolition, Sterne writes: "I entreat you not to throw cold water on your cause - not to damp the energy of those whom I have left behind, I say, still in a land of SLAVERY; for, when you have read this volume, you will see it but too true - SLAVERY in its darkest shades, and upheld too, disgracefully upheld by those - but I proceed no further. All that men could, have I done, in order to obtain Justice.I have been both basely and falsely held up (by those very powers whom your zeal has sent out to administer justice to the public as a spy, as an enemy (so falsely termed) to the island of Jamaica." (Preface). Cundall 59. Goldsmiths' 30192. Kress C.4505. Sabin 91339.
$950 USD                          Book Number: WERStSTE40                         Order / Enquire

TROLLOPE, Anthony [1815-1882].
The West Indies And The Spanish Main.
London: Chapman & Hall, 1860..
8vo. pp. iv, 395 + 32(December 1859 Publisher's Catalogue). hand-coloured engraved frontis. map. original blind-stamped cloth, rebacked with spine mounted, endpapers retained (cloth slightly rubbed, spine dull, small stain to first two leaves). in cloth slipcase. Second Edition. The result of Trollope's expedition on behalf of the post office to the West Indies in 1858-59, one of several such missions undertaken at public expense and which excited public comment. "Sir Rowland Hill, however, Trollope's decided adversary in most things, has left it upon record that his mission to the West Indies was fruitful in valuable results, and that his suggestions for the improvement of the packet service had the assent of nautical men." (DNB) ".a highly entertaining book of travel, considered by the writer as the best of his work of this kind." (Ibid.) The penultimate chapter is devoted to the Bermudas. Cundall 2290. cfIrwin p. 40.
$461 USD                          Book Number: WOLeTROL69                         Order / Enquire

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