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A NARRATIVE In Justification Of Injured Innocence. Wherein Cowardice, Fraud, Tyranny, And Oppression are detected and exposed. Together With some of the principal causes of that extreme Aversion which Seamen commonly shew to the Royal Navy and the Service
London: Printed for W.Webb, 1749..
8vo. pp. viii, 120. folding engraved chart of Gibraltar. disbound (short tear to inner margin of 1 leaf). First Edition. Only one copy cited in NUC (New York Public Library).
$359 USD                          Book Number: NNAA NAR6                         Order / Enquire

AN ADDRESS To The Right Honourable The First Lord Commissioner Of The Admiralty, Upon The Pernicious Mode of Coppering the Bottoms of King's Ships in Time of Peace. Also, A Plan for employing 120 Sail of the Line, with a proportionate Number of Frigates,
London: Printed For John Stockdale, 1786..
8vo. pp. 50, [2]ads. disbound.
$256 USD                          Book Number: NAAN ADD44                         Order / Enquire

JANE'S FIGHTING SHIPS 1928. Thirty-Second Year Of Issue. Joint Editors Oscar Parkes...Francis E.McMurtrie.
London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co., Ltd., 1928..
oblong folio. pp. 53(ads), 486, p. 54(ads on rear paste-down). frontis. profusely illus. original cloth (inner hinges & rear joint partly cracked, extremities chipped & frayed). An important reference source for international maritime defence, providing reliable visual and technical information. Of particular interest in this edition is the new data released by the Admiralty that allows the "presentation in text and illustration [of] an exceptionally complete record of new construction in the British navy. This includes the much discussed 8,400 ton cruisers of the York class which have hitherto been surrounded with the utmost secrecy...The 10,000 ton cruisers of the London class...the natural development of the Kents, to which they are distinctly superior as regards underwater protection, arrangement of upperworks, and facilities for handling aircraft...[and the HMS Medway, the first purpose-built submarine depot ship constructed for the Royal Navy]." (Preface) "Since the War, the closest secrecy has enveloped Japanese naval construction. It has been the privilege of "Fighting Ships" to present the first intelligence of each new type. In the present issue the illustrations of the aircraft carrier Akagi, the 10,000 ton cruiser Nachi, the reconstructed battle cruiser Haruna, and the latest type of destroyer, will command instant attention. Additional photographs of many other Japanese warships will be noticed. The unique series of photographs of the U.S. aircraft carrier Saratoga given excellent idea of these remarkable ships...". (Idem.)
$350 USD                          Book Number: elala4946                         Order / Enquire

JANE'S FIGHTING SHIPS 1940 (Issued January, 1941)...Forty-Fourth Year Of Issue. Editor Francis E.McMurtrie.
London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co., Ltd., 1940 [1941]..
oblong folio. pp. 49(ads), 528. 1 tipped-in publisher's note. frontis. frontis. profusely illus. incl. 1 tipped-in. original cloth (extremities slightly frayed, cloth bit puckered). An important reference source for international maritime defence, this volume of particular interest in providing reliable visual and technical information for the world's navies at the beginning of World War II. "For the first time since 1919, a War Loss section has been included in the prefatory pages. Though this cannot pretend to be exhaustive in the absence of complete information concerning enemy losses, every effort has been made to ensure its being as accurate as possible...the account given of the British Fleet is as complete as could possibly be expected in war-time. Illustrations of our latest type of aircraft carrier and of the light destroyer type known as the Hunt class...are amongst the items which we have been officially permitted to publish. A clearer plan of the new battleships of the class has been substituted for the somewhat sketchy one which was all that the authorities would allow to appear last year...In the United States Navy the biggest series of construction programmes in its history has been approved...". (Preface)
$200 USD                          Book Number: elala4948                         Order / Enquire

JANE'S FIGHTING SHIPS. An Encyclopedia Of The Navies Of The World. (Acting Editor: Maurice Prendergast). (Twentieth Year Of Issue).
London & Edinburgh: Sampson Low, Marston & Co., Ltd., 1917..
oblong folio. pp. 173(ads), 43, [3], 44-485, 174-175(ads). frontis. profusely illus. original cloth (rear hinge partly cracked, corners frayed). An important reference source for international maritime defence, providing reliable visual and technical information. In this wartime edition all illustrations of British Warships have been prohibited by the Defence of the Realm Act. Similarly all illustrations of American Warships were deleted at the request of the US Navy Department. All sections have been revised, notably those for Germany, Japan, and Russia: "In the case of the German Navy, details of considerable interest will be found, concerning new types of enemy warships. Some of the particulars given in this Section are, of necessity, incomplete and liable to future amendation. It is believed, however, that the information given represents the maximum that can be collected from reliable sources, and published, under the difficult conditions now prevailing. The pages describing the Imperial Japanese Navy have been officially revised by order of H. E. the Minister of Marine. We have again to thank Rear-Admiral K. Funakoshi, the Japanese Naval Attaché, for his kind assistance in securing so valuable a contribution...The effects of the recent Revolution are displayed by the altered names of important Russian warships [including the Potemkin]. These details have been kindly the Petrograd Ministry of Marine, through the Russian Naval Attaché in London." (Preface) The work includes technical terms in foreign languages, the fighting ships signal code, and a details relating to ships lost in the war.
$600 USD                          Book Number: elala4945                         Order / Enquire

OBSERVATIONS On A Pamphlet Touching the Present Condition Of The Navy and Victualling. With Some Particular Remarks on the Author; And on what he Writes touching Q's and R's. By a Well-wisher to the Royal Navy of England.
London: Printed, and Sold by J.Nutt, 1700..
4to. pp. 25. disbound (some foxing, last gatherings dampstained). First Edition. Writing in response to a pamphlet charging the Royal Navy with mismanagement, the author attempts to disprove the allegations of abuses in victualling. Also included here are the 'Rules and Directions, Appointed to be Observed, in order to the Returning to Their Majesties Services, such Men as shall be put on Shore, Sick or Hurt, from Their Majesties Ships', and comments on desertion. Wing O101.
$250 USD                          Book Number: NSEOBSER21                         Order / Enquire

SAILORS' HOMES' Revival, And Captain Hall, R.N.
[cLondon: c1854]..
8vo. pp. 16. disbound.
$103 USD                          Book Number: NILSAILO47                         Order / Enquire

THE OLD And True way of Manning the Fleet: Or how to Retrieve the Glory of the English Arms by Sea, as it is done by Land; And to have Seamen always in readiness,, without Pressing. In a Letter from an Old Parliament Sea-Commander. to a Member of the pres
London: Printed in the Year 1707..
4to. pp. 31. disbound (dampmarks to lower margins & some light foxing). First Edition. The author proposes extensive naval reforms, including higher wages, measures for protecting the seaman's wages from fraud and abuse and the elimination of impressment. He argues the measures will increase the maritime power of England and ensure the defeat of France and Spain in the War of the Spanish Succession. He considers measures which will strengthen the English position in America and the West Indies and bring the war to a close (pp. 21-26): "I am the more confirm'd in this Opinion, because I have very good information, that had we but a few years ago sent a competent Squadron well man'd to the West-Indies, we might have easily been Masters of Canada, the French Plantations there being in so great want, till they were supplied by a Convoy of about sixty Sail, that they could not have avoided submitting to us; and by that means we should have effectually secured our own Plantations in Northern America.". European Americana 707/117. National Maritime Museum V 1032.
$282 USD                          Book Number: NETHE OL13                         Order / Enquire

THE THREE ESTABLISHMENTS Concerning the Pay Of Sea=Officers. To which is Prefix'd An Introduction for the better understanding by what Occasions they came to be produc'd.
London: 1705..
8vo. pp. xxviii, 50. folding table. disbound. (lacking last leaf, blank except for errata note). First Edition. Kress 2477.
$231 USD                          Book Number: EETHE TH70                         Order / Enquire

TRIAL Of The Mutineers, Late of his Majesty's Ship Temeraire, Held on Board his Majesty's Ship, Gladiator, Portsmouth Harbour.
London: Printed and sold by J.Davenport, [1802]..
8vo. pp. 8. Uncut & folded, as issued (bit browned). A review of the evidence presented at the trial of the fourteen seamen charged with mutiny on the Temeraire. Thirteen were found guilty and sentenced to be hung on board one of the ships at Spithead or Portsmouth Harbour.
$282 USD                          Book Number: NIATRIAL26                         Order / Enquire

THE SHIPBUILDER. Souvenir Number...The Cunard Quadruple-screw Atlantic Liner "Aquitania," 45,647 Gross Tons. Britain's Largest Steamship.
Newcastle-On-Tyne & London: 1914..
8vo. pp. 154. profusely illus. incl. 5 colour plates (1 tipped-in) & 5 folding plans. contemporary half roan (rubbed, cellotape repair to marginal tear in 1 folding plate). A detailed description of the building, design, and outfitting of the last and largest of the Cunard Line's three great transatlantic express liners, preceded by the Mauretania and the Lusitania, published just following the beginning of her maiden voyage on May 30, 1914. The Aquitania was designed by Cunard naval architect Leonard Peskett and built in the John Brown and Company yards in Clydebank, Scotland, where the majority of the Cunard ships were built. The grand appointment and opulence of the design of her interior earned her the nickname 'Ship Beautiful'. "The vessel was retired and scrapped in 1950 at Farslane in Scotland, thus ending an illustrious career which included steaming 3 million miles in 450 voyages. Aquitania carried 1.2 million passengers over a career that spanned nearly 36 years, making her the longest-serving Express Liner of the 20th century. "Aquitania" was the only major liner to serve in both World Wars, and was the last four-funnelled passenger ship to be scrapped. The ship's wheel and a detailed scale model of Aquitania may be seen in the Cunard exhibit at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic in Halifax." (Wikipedia)
$600 USD                          Book Number: elala4920                         Order / Enquire

ABBAS, Abbib.
Junk Studies [Cover Title].
np: 1922..
8vo. [ff. 21: 20 pencil drawings & bookplate of Abbib Abbas. Jan 1923]. drawings titled, signed 'A. Abbas' & dated 1922. paper watermarked 'Deerlake Mills'. tissue guards watermarked "WJ&C extra strong 3000'. cloth (covers spotted & bit worn & scattered traces of foxing). Includes the following drawings, most relating to south east China and Hong Kong: "Kum Sing Teng", "High Seas Fishing Junk", 'Junk', "Tai Lup Teng" Small Fishing Junk', "Jeu Sui Suen", "Tai Toe" Large Junk (1 Mast), "Toe Teng" Junk For Transporting Coolies, "Cho Teng Chai", "Toe Chai" Small Junk, "Seen Teng" Junk For Transporting Fish, 'Cargo Junk', "Cho Teng" Swatow, "Sui Teng" Fresh Water Carrier, "Sai Kwar Pin" Junk For Carrying Stones Canton, "Pune Teng", "Sampan", "Tai Tor" Fishing Junk, 'Small Fishing Sampan', "Handicaps" Rounding The Beacon and 'H.M. Naval Yard' [Hong Kong].
$400 USD                          Book Number: dola882                         Order / Enquire

BAUGEAN, Jean Jérôme [1764-1819].
Collection De Toutes Les Espèces De Bâtimens De Guerre Et De Bâtimens Marchands Qui Naviguent Sur L'Océan Et Dans La Méditerranée, Dessinée d'après nature et Gravée par Baugean.
Paris: Printed By P.N.Rougeron.Sold By the Author, Bance aîné, and Fantin, 1814..
oblong 4to. pp. 15. 72 engraved plates. contemporary tree calf (somewhat worn, upper front joint wormed, occasional light foxing, last plate with smudge in lower margin, but the plates generally clean and fresh). First Edition. An attractive series of ship portraits, designed and engraved by Baugean, depicting European and American ships-of-war and merchant vessels. Included are engravings of American and English frigates, French corsairs and corvettes, Dutch cutters, Spanish and Italian fishing vessels, American and Swedish merchant brigs, &c. Polak 479 (listing in the notes an edition for 1802 - apparently in error; 1814 is the earliest edition cited in NUC and the British Library). cfThieme-Becker III 74.
$7992 USD                          Book Number: elala2383                         Order / Enquire

The Illustrated Wordsworth's Guide To The Lakes.
Exeter: Webb & Bower, [1984]..
Foreward by Alan G. Hill. 8vo. pp. 208. numerous illus. (some colour). biblio. index. cloth. dw. First Edition.
$75 USD                          Book Number: alyssa205                         Order / Enquire

[BIDON, Pierre].
Nouveau Manuel Universel Et Raisonné Du Canotier...Renfermant Des Recherches Historiques Sur L'Origine Et Le Développement Du Canotage Par Un Loup D'Eau Douce.
Paris: Librairie Encyclopédique De Roret, [c1852]..
12mo. pp. 2 p.l., ii, 211, [1]. with half-title. wood-engraved frontis. & numerous text illus. Uncut in original printed wrs. (rear wr. wanting, spine perished, some foxing).
$200 USD                          Book Number: elala4262                         Order / Enquire

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