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A SECOND Letter To A Late Noble Commander Of The British Forces In Germany. In Which The Noble Commander's Address to the Public, His Letter to Colonel Fitzroy, Together with the Colonel's Answer, and Captain Smith's Declaration, Are candidly and impartia
London: Printed in the Year 1759..
8vo. pp. 35. disbound (some light foxing). First Edition.
$77 USD                          Book Number: MSEA SEC5                         Order / Enquire

ANECDOTES Relative To Our Affairs in Germany: Carried Back To The Debarking of the first British Regiment at Emden; and brought down to the present Critical Time: In a Series of Letters to A Noble Lord in --------shire. Authenticated By a Gentleman on the
London: Printed for G.Kearsly, 1762..
8vo. pp. 2 p.l., 183. with half-title. errata slip mounted on verso of last leaf. disbound (hint of foxing). First Edition.
$103 USD                          Book Number: MECANECD55                         Order / Enquire

THE FIELD OF MARS: Being An Alphabetical Digestion Of The Principal Naval And Military Engagements In Europe, Asia, Africa, And America. Particularly Of Great Britain And Her Allies, From The Ninth Century To The Present Period.
London: Printed For J.MacGowan, 1781..
2 Volumes. thick 4to. unpaginated. text in double columns. with half-titles. 31 engraved maps & plans (3 folding) & 26 engraved plates (inc. 2 frontis.). contemporary calf (rubbed, joints cracked, some offsetting from plates, small hole in map of Atlantic with loss of 'o' in 'Azores'). Second Edition or Issue (first: 1780). The work contains numerous entries for North American battles of the Seven Years' War, American Revolutionary War, &c., including Annapolis Royal, Beauséjour, Brandy-Wine, Lake Champlain, Charlestown, Fort Frontenac, Louisbourg, Fort Necessity, Fort Niagara, Penobscot, Fort Pitt, Quebec, Saratoga, Ticonderoga, New York, &c. Appended are an essay on fortification, an explanation of naval terms, and a four-page list of subscribers. Among the subscribers listed are two from St. John's Newfoundland: Alexander Dunn and Nicholas Gill. cfSabin 24297 (listing editions for 1780 and 1801; no mention of plates).
$2306 USD                          Book Number: METHE FI30                         Order / Enquire

THREE WORDS To Mr. Pitt, On The War And On The Peace.
London: Printed By J.Barfield, For James Ridgeway, 1801..
8vo. pp. 89. disbound (foxing). First Edition.
$77 USD                          Book Number: MRETHREE53                         Order / Enquire

(ALTON, Richard, Comte d' [1732-1789]).
Mémoires Pour Servir À La Justification De Feu Son Excellence Le Général Comte D'Alton, Et À L'Histoire Secrette De La Révolution Belgique. Seconde Édition.
np: 1791..
2 Volumes in 1. 8vo. pp. 4, 396; 2 p.l., 300. woodcut ornaments & initials. Uncut in 19th century bds. (some scattered browning). Second Corrected and Enlarged Edition (first: 1790). A collection of military documents and letters, 'Pièces Justificatives', relating to the actions of the Austrian army and General D'Alton during the 1789-90 insurrection in Belgium. The Austrian army suffered several defeats at the hands of the populace, the most notable being Comte D'Alton's capitulation of the Brussels garrison in December 1789. The work includes all of D'Alton's correspondence with the Emperor's Minister Plenipotentiary in Belgium, his reports to the Emperor, his instructions to the various generals and officers under his command, the reports of these generals and officers during the unfortunate events which transpired in the last four months of 1789, as well as notes on the generals and officers of the Belgian army.
$400 USD                          Book Number: elala471                         Order / Enquire

THE CAMPAIGNS Of Napoleon Buonaparte, Embracing The Events Of His Unexampled Military Career, From The Siege Of Toulon To The Battle Of Waterloo Also, The Period From His Abdication Of The Throne, To His Final Imprisonment And Death, On The Rock Of St. Helena. Previous To Which An Account Of The French Revolution. Compiled From Distinguished Authors. By An American. [Pseud.].
Boston: Charles Gaylord, 1835..
12mo. pp. x, [11]-422, x. folding wood-engraved frontis. of the attack on Moscow & 3 full-page wood-engravings. original blind-stamped cloth (bit soiled, extremities frayed, frontis. wrinkled & with repaired tears - no loss, scattered foxing & browning). First Edition.
$125 USD                          Book Number: elala702                         Order / Enquire

(SCLARANDI, Giovanni Angelo).
Il Modello Di Un Soldato, Secondo Lo Spirito Del Vangelo, Proposto Alle Persone Di Guerra Nella Vita Del Cavaliere Giovanni Angelo Sclarandi Colonnello del Raggimento Savoja Cavalleria.
Torino: Giuseppe Davico, 1761..
8vo. pp. 12 p.l., 17-308, [3]. engraved frontis. portrait of Sclarandi. woodcut ornaments & initials. title in red & black. contemporary mottled calf, gilt back (short splits in joints, headpiece worn, scattered light foxing). First Edition. Not found in NUC or BL catalogue.
$200 USD                          Book Number: elala2045                         Order / Enquire

A Rough Sketch Of The Field Of Waterloo.
Brussels: Published By The Belgian Company of Booksellers, , Hauman And Co., 1839..
12mo. pp. 2 p.l., 179. folding partly coloured lithographed plan. folding table. modern half morocco by P.B.Sanford, gilt back, t.e.g., original printed wrs. bound in (bit rubbed, spine sunned, scattered foxing, short tears in map & table repaired - no loss). First Edition. Scarce.
$900 USD                          Book Number: elala666                         Order / Enquire

ALEXANDER, James Edw[ard] [1803-1885].
Life Of Field Marshal, His Grace, The Duke of Wellington. Embracing His Civil, Military, And Political Career To The Present Time.
London: Henry Colburn, 1839-40..
2 Volumes. 8vo. pp. xiv, [1 leaf], 491; vi, [1 leaf], 576. title of Vol. I present in duplicate. large folding engraved map, 2 folding plans, 4 etched plates by Landseer after Heath, & 9 engraved portraits (incl. 2 frontis.). Untrimmed in original blind-stamped cloth (cloth discoloured, spine ends chipped, some fraying to joints, one cover detached, institutional bookplates & small paper labels on lower spines, some foxing to plates & adjacent leaves). First Edition.
$359 USD                          Book Number: MEXfeALE68                         Order / Enquire

Geschichte des k. k. Infanterie-Regimentes Hoch- und Deutschmeister Nr. 4. Ergänzungs-Bezirks-Station Wien.
Vienna: Verlag des Regiments, 1879..
8vo. pp. 3 p.l., 726. frontis. 2 lithographed portraits (incl. frontis.) & 12 chromolithographed plates. original blind & gilt-stamped cloth (extremities bit frayed). First Edition of this work on the Austrian army, 1676-1879, illustrated with chromolithographed plates showing military uniforms.
$350 USD                          Book Number: elala4919                         Order / Enquire

ANTOMMARCHI, F[rançois Carlo] [1780-1838].
Les Derniers Momens De Napoléon.
Paris & London: Henry Colburn, 1825..
2 Volumes. 8vo. pp. viii, 494; 2 p.l., 295. with half-titles. original cloth (spines chipped & lower portion of Vol. I spine wanting, some spotting to endpapers & outer leaves). First UK Edition - published the same year as the more common Paris edition by Barrois l'Aîné. Dr. Antommarchi replaced Dr. Barry Edward O'Meara as Napoleon's personal physician at Saint Helena in 1818 at the behest of Napoleon's mother and his uncle, Cardinal Fesch. His memoirs provide a detailed account of Napoleon's medical condition up until his death from stomach cancer on May 5, 1821.
$175 USD                          Book Number: elala5605                         Order / Enquire

[AUSTRIA. KARL LUDWIG, Erzherzog von Österreich].
Grundsätze Der Höhern Kriegskunst Und Beyspiele Ihrer Zweckmässigen Anwendung Für Die Generale Der Österreichischen Armee.
Vienna: Aus Der Kaiserl. König. Hof- Und Staatsdruckerey, 1808..
folio. pp. 2 p.l., 169. 25 folding engraved maps with partial hand-colour by Joh. Renard (5 with onlays). contemporary marbled bds. (spine label chipped). in paper slipcase (worn). First Illustrated Edition of this work devoted to the principals of the art of war and their practical application for the generals of the Austrian army. The series of twenty-five detailed battle plans, some with onlays, depict proper troop formations in various situations.
$5766 USD                          Book Number: MUSun[AU71                         Order / Enquire

Memories Of India. Recollections Of Soldiering, And Sport.
Philadelphia: David McKay, [1915]..
8vo. pp. xvii, [1 leaf], 363. 15 colour plates (as per plate list) & numerous text illus. cloth (bit spotted & extremities slightly frayed, inner front hinge cracked). First American Edition.
$100 USD                          Book Number: elala5147                         Order / Enquire

[BARRINGTON], Shute [1734-1826].
The Political Life Of William Wildman Viscount Barrington.
London: Printed By W.Bulmer And Co., 1814..
4to. large-paper copy. pp. 2 p.l., ii, 207, [4]index. with half-title. frontis. portrait engraved by C.Knight after T.Lawrence's painting. Uncut in original bds. (spine artlessly repaired with paper, joints partly split, some light foxing). Inscribed by the Author as Bishop of Durham. First Edition, one of 100 copies printed for private distribution; an octavo trade edition was published the following year. This account of Viscount Barrington's [1717-1793] life was compiled from original documents and letters by his brother, the Bishop of Durham. The most significant events in his political career are discussed, including the 1745 proposal for forming and training a national militia, his appointment to the committee for the impeachment of Lord Lovat and his policies while serving as lord commissioner of the admiralty, chancellor of the exchequer, minister at war and treasurer of the navy. Barrington's letters on the American Revolutionary War are included, with commentary, pp. 138-189. Kress B.6260. Martin p. 214.
$615 USD                          Book Number: MARe[BAR92                         Order / Enquire

BAUDOUIN, S[imon] R[ené, Comte De] [b. 1723].
Exercice De L'Infanterie Françoise, Ordonné Par Le Roi Le 6 May M.DCC.LV. Dessiné D'Après Nature Dans Toutes Ses Positions Et Gravé Par S.R.Baudoin, Colonel D'Infanterie, Chevalier De L'Ordre Royal Et Militiaire De St. Louis Et Lieutenant De Grenadiers Au Régiment Des Gardes Françoises.
[Paris:] 1757..
folio. engraved title by Baudouin after Bouchardon, engraved 'avertissement' leaf with cul-de-lampe after Saint Aubin, engraved table, 63 etched plates by Baudouin, of which the allegorical frontis. is after a design by Pierre, & pp. 16 (on 8 leaves) of engraved text. engraved tailpiece. contemporary mottled calf, spine richly gilt (small neat repairs to upper & lower joints, occasional light browning or foxing). First Edition. A handsome copy of the greatest of the French military manoeuvre books and one of the most sumptuously produced French military books issued during the period fo the Seven Years' War. The etched plates represent the military exercise of the French infanttry as established by royal decree dated May 6, 1755. These manoeuvres are still performed today by the Compagnie Française de la Marine at Quebec. Sixteen pages of engraved explanatory text, extracted from the ordinance, accompany the plates; corresponding plate numbers are cited at the end of each section. The comte de Baudouin, who etched the plates from his own designs, was an officer in the French guards and an amateur engraver of considerable merit. Cohen-De Ricci 121. Colas 245.
$8991 USD                          Book Number: elala2382                         Order / Enquire

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