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New York: William Wood & Company, 1881..
16mo. pp. 1 p.l., 301. original black & gilt-stamped cloth (rubbed & with a few stains, small dampstain & nick to upper margin of first few leaves).
$75 USD Book Number: elala2123 Order / Enquire
ABBOTT, Maude E. (Editor).
Bulletin No. IX of the International Association Of Medical Museums And Journal Of Technical Methods Sir William Osler Memorial Number Appreciations and Reminiscences.
Montreal: Privately Printed, [1927]..
8vo. pp. 3 p.l., xl, 634. 2 photogravure portraits & numerous plates. Second Impression. One of 1500 additional numbered subscriber copies. Appended is a 'Classified And Annotated Bibliography of the Publications of Sir William Osler'. Based on the Chronological Bibliography by Minnie Wright Blogg, compiled, augmented and annotated by Maude E. Abbott, E.B.Krumbhaar, Minnie Wright Blogg and Archibald Malloch, edited by Fielding H.Garrisson and Henry W. Cattell', pp. 471-634.
$150 USD Book Number: dola512 Order / Enquire
Transactions Vol. I Edited By William Thomson [.III.-XXI. [Editor varies].
Dublin: Fannin And Company [Imprint Varies], 1883-1903..
Including index volume (XXI). a complete series except for Vol. II. 8vo. numerous plates (incl. lithographs & photographs) & text illus. original cloth (covers of Vols. IX, X, XI, XII, & XX stained). Including papers (Vol. I) on a locomotor ataxy by H.C.Tweedy, a case of dissecting aneurism of the aorta by J.F.Knott, a case of trephining of the skull for abscess of the brain by J.J,Kilgariff, on excision of the hip by J.K.Barton, on replantation and transplantation of teeth by R.T.Stack, on induction of abortion by W.J.Smyly, on carcinomatous sarcoma by H.R.Swanzy, on penetrating wounds of the bladder by W.Stokes, &c.
$2997 USD Book Number: elala1301 Order / Enquire
ALBERTI, P.W. & D.P.BRYCE (Editors).
Workshops From The Centennial Conference On Laryngeal Cancer.
New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, [1976]..
8vo. pp. 5 p.l., 939. text in double columns. many illus. (some colour). index. cloth. First Edition.
$250 USD Book Number: dola46 Order / Enquire
ARBUTHNOT, John [1667-1735].
An Essay Concerning The Nature Of Aliments, And The Choice Of Them, According to the different Constitutions of Human Bodies. In which the different Effects, Advantages and Disadvantages of Animal and Vegetable Diet are explain'd.
London: Printed for J.Tonson, 1731..
8vo. pp. xviii, 232. woodcut ornaments & initials. contemporary sprinkled calf (joints cracked, extremities worn). First Edition of this popular work on the role of food and diet in medicine. Physician and wit, Arbuthnot was intimately associated with the leading statesmen of the Harley administration and the most notable literary men of his day, and was a member of the 'Scriblerus Club' together with Swift, Pope, Gay, and Parnell. A fellow of the Royal Society and Royal College of Physicians, he served as physician to Queen Anne. Blake p. 17. Wellcome II p. 52. cfBib. Osleriana 1829.
$749 USD Book Number: elala2622 Order / Enquire
BARDSLEY, Samuel Argent [1764-1851].
Medical Reports Of Cases And Experiments, With Observations, Chiefly derived from Hospital Practice: To Which Are Added, An Enquiry Into The Origin Of Canine Madness.
London: Printed by W.Stratford for R.Bickerstaff, 1807..
8vo. pp. viii, [2], 336. contemporary sprinkled calf (rubbed, spine label wanting, back cover detached, front joint cracked, institutional bookplate & blindstamp). First Edition. Based on sixteen years of observations and practice at the Manchester Infirmary, where the author was to serve until 1833, the present work contains reports on chronic rheumatism, diabetes mellitus, the effects of galvanism in paralysis, the medical effects of oxyd of bismuth, and rabies with a plan for its extirpation from the British Isles. Wellcome II p. 100.
$300 USD Book Number: elala482 Order / Enquire
BARKER, John [1708-1749].
Essai Sur La Conformité De La Medicine Ancienne Et Moderne, Dans Le Traitement Des Maladies Aigues.
Paris: P. Guil. Cavelier, 1768..
12mo. pp. 2 p.l., lxvi, 426, [3]privilege. with half-title. contemporary mottled calf, gilt back (binding quite worn but solid, some light foxing & dampstaining). Second Edition in French. Oirginally published in English in 1743 under the title An Essay on the Agreement between Ancient and Modern Physicians, or a Comparison between the Practice of Hippocrates, Galen, Sydenham, and Boerhaave, Barker's treatise was translated into French by Dr. Schomberg and published in Amsterdam in 1749. This second French edition, prepared by Anne Charles Lorry, is considerably enlarged. Barker practised medicine in Salisbury and London, where he became physician to the Westminster Hospital. Shortly before his death he was appointed physician to His Majesty's army in the Low Countries. Blake p. 31. Wellcome II p. 100.
$300 USD Book Number: elala483 Order / Enquire
BELL, Charles [1774-1842].
The Hand Its Mechanism And Vital Endowments As Evincing Design.
London: William: Pickering, 1837..
8vo. pp. xvi, 368. with half-title. text illus. anchor device on title. modern bds. Fourth Edition. "Classic work on the anatomy, physiology, bio-mechanics, comparative anatomy, and adaptive importance of the hand." This was the fourth in a series of eight works, on the power, wisdom and goodness of God as manifested in the creation, known as the 'Bridgewater Treatises'. They were written at the request of the trustees of Francis Henry Egerton, eighth and final Earl of Bridgewater [1756-1829], in accordance with the provisions of his will. cfGarrison & Morton 411.1.
$400 USD Book Number: elala2386 Order / Enquire
BERKELEY, George [1685-1753].
Siris: A Chain of Philosophical Reflexions And Inquiries Concerning the Virtues of Tar Water, And divers other Subjects connected together and arising one from another.Second Edition, Improved and Corrected by the Author.
Dublin Printed, London Reprinted: For W.Innys, and C.Hitch, and C.Davis, 1744..
8vo. pp. 174, [2]. contemporary mottled calf, rebacked (corners worn, several small library rubberstamps). Second London Edition of Berkeley's most popular work, an exposition of the medicinal virtues of tar-water and instructions for its use. Berkeley regarded it as a cure for virtually every ailment, including fevers, cancers, apoplexies, small-pox and scurvy, and he even set up an apparatus for manufacturing it himself. It was equally beneficial, he maintained, for cattle, and was strongly recommended to improve and sharpen the general health and intellect of infants and young children. Blake 43. Jessop 21e. Keynes 67. Kress 4685. Bib. Osleriana 1071. Wellcome II 149.
$400 USD Book Number: elala486 Order / Enquire
BERNARD, Claude [1813-1878].
Le ons De Physiologie Expérimentale Appliquée À La Medicine Faites Au Collège De France.
Paris: J.B.Baillière Et Fils, 1855-56..
2 Volumes. 8vo. pp. viii, 520; viii, 510. complete with half-titles. 100 wood-engraved text illus. modern half cloth (foxing to outer leaves). First Edition. One of the leading French physiologists of his day, Bernard succeeded his teacher Magendie as professor of experimental physiology (1852) and medicine (1855) at the Collège de France. The present work is an elaboration of his lectures there on experimental physiology, 1854-55. Bernard is best known for his important contributions to the chemical and phsiological study of gastric digestion and the experimental section of nerves. "Claude Bernard made strenuous efforts to introduce experimental methods into physiology. The above includes his classical work on the function of the liver, pancreas, and gastric glands." (Garrison & Morton) Bib. Osleriana 1507 (mentioning an Appendix, paged 504 a-d in Vol. I, not present here). Garrison & Morton 615. Waller 954.
$899 USD Book Number: MRN oBER18 Order / Enquire
BILZ, F[riedrich] E[duard] [1842-1922].
La Médication naturelle Traité populaire de l'histoire naturelle de l'homme de sa culture physique de ses maladies et leur guérison par les moyens simples et naturels.
Brussels: Société Commerciale Dekam S.A., [c1900]..
2 Volumes. 8vo. pp. [4], iv, 972; [8], 973-1951. 2 5-panel fold-out chromolithographed frontis. (1 panel with single over-lay & 2 panels with multiple over-lays), 40colour plates, & numerous text illus. original quarter cloth (some shelf wear, slightly shaken, spines spotted). Originally published in 1888, the German naturopath's Das Neue Naturheilverfahren (The New Natural Healing) became very popular and was widely translated. In 1895 Bilz founded a health spa at Radeboeul, which soon expanded into a large sanitarium. There he constructed a large outdoor swimming pool (Bilzbad), where he later installed a wave machine.
$250 USD Book Number: elala3619 Order / Enquire
BRACHET, J[ean] L[ouis] [1789-1858].
Recherches Experimentales Sur Les Fonctions Du Système Nerveux Ganglionaire, Et Sur Leur Application À La Pathologie .Deuxième Édition, revue et augmentée.
Paris: Germer-Baillière, Lyon: Ch.Savy Jeune, Montpellier: Sévalle Et Castel, 1837..
8vo. pp. xii, 599. with half-title. 19th century half roan (rubbed, spine faded, light foxing to outer leaves). Second Revised and Enlarged Edition (first: 1830). cfWellcome II 226.
$500 USD Book Number: elala2398 Order / Enquire
BRIAND, J[oseph] & Ernest CHAUDÉ.
Manuel Complet De Médecine Légale Ou Résumé Des Meilleurs Ouvrages Publiés Jusqu'À Ce Jour Précédé de Considérations sur la Recherche et les Poursuites des Crimes et Délits.Contenant Un Traité Élémentaire De Chimie Légale.Par H.Gaultier De Claubry.
Paris: J.-B.Baillière Et Fils., 1863..
8vo. pp. viii, 1048. with half-title. 3 plates. several text illus. contemporary quarter roan (bit rubbed, scattered light foxing). Seventh Edition. cfCamus-Dupin II p. 49.
$300 USD Book Number: elala2400 Order / Enquire
BRIGHT, [Richard] [1789-1858].
Clinical Memoirs On Abdominal Tumours And Intumescence.Edited By G.Hilaro Barlow.
London: The New Sydenham Society, 1860..
8vo. pp. xviii, 326. with half-title. 79 text figures. modern cloth (scoring & marginal notes on a few pages). First Collected Edition. Including observations on ovarian tumours, diseases of the liver and spleen, and renal disease. Bright is best known for his classical description of chronic nephritis, which led to its designation as 'Bright's disease. Garrison & Morton 2616.
$263 USD Book Number: MIGinBRI15 Order / Enquire
BROUSSAIS, F[rançois] J[oseph] V[ictor] [1772-1838].
De L'Irritation Et De La Folie Ouvrage Dans Lequel Les Rapports Du Physique Et Du Moral Sont Établis Sur Les Bases De La Médicine Physiologique.
Paris: Melle Delaunay & Brussels: Au Dépôt Général De La Librairie Médicale Française, Mai 1828..
8vo. pp. 1 p.l., [v]-xxxii, 590, [1]errata. lacking half-title. 19th century half calf, gilt back (joints & corners worn, some light to moderate foxing). First Edition. Broussais was a pupil of Bichart, surgeon of the armies of France, physician-in-chief at Val-de-Grâce, and from 1831, Professor General Pathology at Paris. "Broussais believed that the basis of all pathology was gastroenteritis and that debilitating treatment was called for in nearly every disease. His most common remedy was the application of leeches to the stomach or the head. The popularity of his methods is evidenced by the fact that during one year, over 35,000,000 leeches were imported into France." (Heirs of Hippocrates) Following the discreditation of his theories he turned his attention to the field of mental illness. The present treatise on irritation and insanity was written after he became president of the Society for Phrenology. Wellcome II p. 248. Caillet 1700. Heirs of Hippocrates 765. Waller 1495.
$599 USD Book Number: elala3044 Order / Enquire
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