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A PLEA For The Dumb Creation, Being Selections From The British Workman, &c.
Philadelphia: The Pennsylvania Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals, 1869..
12mo. pp. 93. frontis. 1 text illus. original cloth (bit discoloured).
$77 USD Book Number: GPLA PLE76 Order / Enquire
DIE Olympischen Spiele 1936 In Berlin Und Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Band 1 Die Olympischen Winterspiele Vorschau Auf Berlin & Band 2 Die XI. Olympischen Spiele in Berlin 1936 (2 Volumes).
Altona-Bahrenfeld: Cigaretten-Bildersienst, 1936..
folio. 127, [1]; 165, [3]. German text. profusely illus. in b/w, some color. includes a foldout map. cloth (spines sunned, previous owner's signature, bit shaken).
$599 USD Book Number: stela1056 Order / Enquire
DIE Olympischen Spiele in Los Angeles 1932 Diese Chronik Der X Olympischen Spuele Zu Los Angeles Im Jahre 1932.
Altona-Bahrenfeld: Reemtsma Cigarettenfabriken, 1932..
folio. pp. 142, [2]. German text. profusely illus. in colour & b/w. depicting the 1932 Summer and Winter Olympic Games in Los Angeles and Lake Placid. Includes folding chromolithographed chart. Original cloth (bit soiled, bit frayed in lower right hand corner).
$400 USD Book Number: stela1055 Order / Enquire
Jaded Amulets Historical notes with coloured illustrations and interpretations of the most characteristic forms.
London: Liberty & Co. Ltd, [nd]..
12mo. pp. 33. tipped-in illus. (most colour). wrs. (worn with several tears, chips & interior pages soiled).
$125 USD Book Number: aly236 Order / Enquire
THE ILLUSTRATED EXHIBITOR, A Tribute To The World's Industrial Jubilee; Comprising Sketches, By Pen And Pencil, Of The Principal Objects In The Great Exhibition of the Industry of all Nations, 1851.
London: John Cassell, [1851]..
8vo. pp. xliv, 556. 10 folding wood-engraved plates (incl. frontis.) & numerous wood-engraved text illus. original blind & gilt-stamped cloth, recased (spine ends repaired but worn, short splits in front joint). First Collected Edition.
$500 USD Book Number: elala1316 Order / Enquire
(ARMFELT, [Gustaf Mauritz], Baron D' [1757-1814]).
PIÈCES Authentiques Relatives À La Détention Du Baron D'Armfelt, Demandé À La Cour De Naples.
London: Printed For Richard White, 1794..
8vo. pp. 1 p.l., iii, [3], 32. disbound.
$150 USD Book Number: elala2364 Order / Enquire
(CAGLIOSTRO). [BARBERI, Giovanni] [1748-1821].
Compendio Della Vita E Delle Gesta Di Giuseppe Balsamo Denominato Il Conte Cagliostro Che Si E' Estratto Dal Processo Contro Di Lui Formato In Roma L'Anno 1790 E Che Puo' Servire Di Scorta Per Conoscere L'Indole Della Setta De Liberi Muratori.
Rome: 1791..
8vo. pp. 224. 19th century half calf. Published the same year as the first edition. The infamous impostor, self-proclaimed psychic healer, alchemist, soothsayer and founder of Egyptian freemasonry, was betrayed to the Inquisition and arrested in 1789 for attempting to establish a Masonic lodge in Rome. Cagliostro was originally sentenced to death but his sentence was commuted to life imprisonment at the Forte de San Leo, where he died in 1795. Bound in at end is Jean Baptiste Louis Gresset's 'Il Parrocchetto", fourth Italian edition, Paris: 1789.
$300 USD Book Number: elala5753 Order / Enquire
(CAGLIOSTRO). [BARBERI, Giovanni] [1748-1821].
Vie De Joseph Balsamo, Connu Sous Le Nom De Comte Cagliostro, Extraite de la procedure instruite contre lui à Rome, en 1790; Traduite d'après l'original Italian, imprimé à la Chambre Apostolique...
Paris...Maestricht: J.P.Roux & Compagnie, 1791..
8vo. pp. xxiv, 182. with half-title. lacking frontis. portrait. 19th century bds. Third Edition of the French Translation. The infamous impostor, self-proclaimed psychic healer, alchemist, soothsayer and founder of Egyptian freemasonry, was betrayed to the Inquisition and arrested in 1789 for attempting to establish a Masonic lodge in Rome. Cagliostro was originally sentenced to death but his sentence was commuted to life imprisonment at the Forte de San Leo, where he died in 1795.
$250 USD Book Number: elala5754 Order / Enquire
(CAGLIOSTRO). TSCHINK, Cajetan [1763-1813].
Unpartheyische Prüfung des zu Rom erschienenen kurzen Inbegriffes von dem Leben und den Thaten des Joseph Balsamo oder des sogennanten Grafen Cagliostro.
Vienna: F.J.Kaiserer, 1791..
8vo. pp. 72. uncut in original wrs. First Edition of this response to Giovanni Barberi's Compendio Della Vita E Delle Gesta Di Giuseppe Balsamo Denominato Il Conte Cagliostro (Rome: 1791). The infamous impostor, self-proclaimed psychic healer, alchemist, soothsayer and founder of Egyptian freemasonry, was betrayed to the Inquisition and arrested in 1789 for attempting to establish a Masonic lodge in Rome. Cagliostro was originally sentenced to death but his sentence was commuted to life imprisonment at the Forte de San Leo, where he died in 1795.
$250 USD Book Number: elala5755 Order / Enquire
Chansons De La Très-Vénérable Confrérie Des Francs-Maçons, Précédées De Quelques Pièces De Poésie.
np: np, [c1750]..
small 8vo. pp. 33, [1]. 5 engraved plates of music. contemporary floral wrs. (some chipping to extremities of wrs., old repair to lower front wr., 1 plate cropped at outer margin, light dampstain to plates). Possibly edited by Gabriel-Louis Pérau [1700-1767], to whose L'Ordre des francs-maçons trahi it is sometimes found appended. The advice to the binder mentions 8 plates & gives different page placement and together with errata suggests a larger work. Worldcat. cites 2 different printings of the Chansons, one of 30 pages, the other of 31, with no mention of number of plates.
$300 USD Book Number: elala5764 Order / Enquire
Abbot's Catalog No. 20 Abbotcadabra! Welcome to the World of Magic...
Colon, MI: [1972]..
4to. pp. 457. illus. wrs. (soiled, edges chipped). related matter laid in.
$75 USD Book Number: dola418 Order / Enquire
ALBERT, Ditmar.
Hotel Bayerischer Hof Munchen Die Ersten 150 Jahre.
[Munich: Bayerischer Hof, 1991]..
8vo. pp. 118. numerous illus. (some colour). text in German. cloth. First Edition.
$100 USD Book Number: aly171 Order / Enquire
ALCÁNTARA, Orden Y Cavallería.
Difiniciones De La Orden Y Cavallería De Alcántara Con La Historia Y Origen Della.
[Colophon on Aaa8r:] Madrid: Diego Díaz De La Carrera, 1663..
folio. pp. 566. engraved title & full-page engraving on T2, both by Pedro de Villafranca. engraved arms of the order on A1. woodcut ornaments & initials. contemporary vellum (several old repairs, ties wanting, some scattered foxing & browning). Second Edition (first: 1609). [BOUND WITH, apparently as issued:] CALDERON DE ROBLES, Juan. Privilegia Selectiora Militiae Sancti Iuliani de Pereiro (hodie de Alcántara) Cisterciensis Ordinis, à Summis Pontificibus hactenus concessa. folio. pp. 236. engraved arms of the order on title. woodcut initials. (some foxing). Madrid: Diego Díaz De La Carrera, 1662. First Edition. A history of the Knights of Alcántara, one of the three most ancient orders of Spain, all of which were originally founded as military religious orders to fight against the Moors. They were instituted about 1156 by Don Sanchez and Don Gomez de Barrientos, and confirmed as a religious order of knighthood under Benedictine rule by Pope Alexander III in 1177. Until about 1213 they were known as the Knights of St. Julian de Pereiro, changing their name when entrusted with the defence of the city of Alcántara in the territory of Estremadura. For some time they were subject in some degree to the grand master of the kindred order of Calatrava. The influence and wealth of the order gradually increased until the Knights were almost as powerful as the sovereign. In 1495, the grand mastership of Alcántara was invested in the Catholic King, Ferdinand of Aragon; this arrangement was ratified by Pope Alexander VI, and, in 1523, declared permanent by Adrian VI. Bound herewith is a collection of the various papal privileges granted to the order. The Knights of Alcántara ceased to exist as a spiritual body in 1835. Goldsmith, BM STC Spanish Books, A102-103. Palau 69844 & 40229.
$1998 USD Book Number: elala2353 Order / Enquire
ALGAZI, Gadi, Valentin GROEBNER & Bernhard JUSSEN (Editors).
Negotiating the Gift: Pre-Modern Figurations of Exchange.
[Göttingen]: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, [2003]..
8vo. pp. 419. index. cloth. dw. Very good copy (a few pencil notes, presumably in Davis's hand). Signed Postcard from Groebner with note presenting the book to American-Canadian social & cultural historian Natalie Zemon Davis. First Edition.
$150 USD Book Number: dola2763 Order / Enquire
ANTHONY, Gordon.
Russian Ballet: camera studies by Gordon Anthony With an Introduction by Arnold Haskell.
London: Geoffrey Bles, [1939]..
folio. [ff. 16]. 96 tipped-in photographic plates of Russian ballet stars. original white cloth spine, blue cloth covers, deckle edges. First Edition.
$350 USD Book Number: dola884 Order / Enquire
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