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DIE PREUSSEN vor Europens Richterstule angeklagt von einer Gesellschaft Zeugen und Schlacht-Opfern ihres Einbruchs in die Provinz Holland...
Cologne: November, 1789..
8vo. pp. xx, 192. old bds. (rubbed & worn but sound, several regimental library stamps, number on lower spine, foxing & browning to text). Relating to the invasion and occupation of Holland by the Prussian army in 1787, the triumph of the Orange party against the anti-Orange 'patriots', and the restoration to power of William V under the protection of Prussia and England. Purportedly translated from the French with preface and notes by an unbiased German observer.
$225 USD                          Book Number: elala4565                         Order / Enquire

LETTRES HISTORIQUES, Politiques Et Critiques D'Un Observateur Impartial, Contenant des conséquences probables, sur la source des nouveaux Troubles qui agitent les provinces Belgiques.
London: 1792-94..
5 Parts, with varying titles, bound together. 8vo. pp. 69; 1 p.l., vi, 55; 4 p.l., [2]-107; 20; 1 p.l., 110. woodcut title vignettes, ornaments & initials. contemporary quarter calf (spine ends chipped, 2-inch strip clipped from margin of title affecting 2 letters of imprint). First Edition. Written in the form of seven letters from an impartial observer, covering the period from 1790 to the French invasion, and with a prospectus 'Ou Avant-Propos Du Tableau De L'Émigration des Royalistes François'.
$500 USD                          Book Number: elala949                         Order / Enquire

(NEFF, Félix [1798-1829]).
Vie De Félix Neff, Psteur Dans Les Hautes-Alpes.
Toulouse: K.Cadaux, 1837..
8vo. pp. 2 p.l., 133. with half-title. Uncut in original printed wrs.
$50 USD                          Book Number: elala2893                         Order / Enquire

(STRUENSEE, Johann Friedrich Von, Count [1737-1772]).
Mémoires Authentiques Et Intéressans, Ou Histoire Des Comtes Struensée Et Brandt. Édition faite sur le Manuscrit, tiré du porte-feuille d'un Grand.
London [Paris]: 1789..
8vo. pp. 2 p.l., 255. with half-title. engraved frontis. portrait. woodcut title vignette. contemporary srpinkled calf (worn, spine ends chipped, some browning to margins & outer leaves, some light foxing). First Edition in French? (also published at Copenhagen/Brussels the same year); first published in German in 1788). Variously attributed to Seneca Otto Falkenskjold, Helferich Peter Sturt, and Karl, landgrave of Hesse Cassel.
$288 USD                          Book Number: GTRmo(ST0                         Order / Enquire

ALISON, Sir Archibald, 1st Baronet [1792-1867].
History Of Europe From The Fall Of Napoleon In MDCCCXV To The Accession Of Louis Napoleon In MDCCCLII.
Edinburgh & London: William Blackwood And Sons, 1852..
10 Volumes of text in 8vo. & oblong folio atlas. 108 partly coloured maps. contemporary half calf, gilt backs (rubbed, surface abrasion to one leather corner, split in upper front joint of atlas, some foxing to maps & outer leaves). First Edition.
$1500 USD                          Book Number: elala5165                         Order / Enquire

ANDERSEN, Hans Christian [1805-1875].
The Story Of My Life; And In Sweden.
London: George Routledge And Co., 1852..
small 8vo. pp. 1 p.l., [v]-vi, [1 leaf], 295. lacking half-title? contemporary half roan. First Editions of these new English Translations by Dr. Spillan, A.M., of Trinity College, Dublin (The Story Of My Life) and Kenneth R. H. Mackenzie (In Sweden). The first work was originally published in English translation by Mary Howitt in 1847, and the second (Pictures in Sweden,) by Charles Beckwith Lohmeyer in 1851. [BOUND WITH:] [MARSH-CALDWELL, Mrs. Anne]. Emilia Wyndham. small 8ivo. pp. 1 p.l., [7]-352. lacking pp. 3-6. London: Simms and M'Intyre, 1849.
$175 USD                          Book Number: GDEeANDE73                         Order / Enquire

ARTHUR, William [1819-1901].
Italy In Transition: Public Scenes And Private Opinions In The Spring Of 1860; Illustrated By Official Documents From The Papal Archives Of The Revolted Legations.
London: Hamilton, Adams, And Co. & New York: Harper And Brothers, 1860..
8vo. pp. x, 469, [2]. original blind-stamped cloth (covers discoloured & bit frayed). First Edition. Pine-Coffin 8601.
$200 USD                          Book Number: elala2010                         Order / Enquire

BAUMANN, Johann Friedrich von.
Voluntarium Imperii Consortium Inter Fridericum Austriacum Et Ludovicum Bavarum Augg. Quod Ex Pacto De Anno MCCCXXV.Editio Nova.
Frankfurt & Leipzig: 1735..
folio. pp. 11 p.l., 148, [20]. 1 engraved plate. 13 large engravings in the text (including headpieces & culs-de-lampe), some by Martin Tyroff after Gabriel Müller. engraved & woodcut initials. contemporary vellum (vellum bit soiled & worn, front hinge cracked). Ludwig of Bavaria was elected to the German throne following the death of Henry VII in 1314; however a minority of princes supported his cousin, Frederick of Austria, and a lengthy civil war ensued between the two rivals. Ludwig emerged victorious after the battle of Mühldorf in 1322 and Frederick was taken prisoner. Attempts to enable Ludwig and Frederick to rule Germany jointly failed, and Frederick finally renounced his claim and returned to Austria about 1326.
$749 USD                          Book Number: GUMluBAU62                         Order / Enquire

BIKÉLAS, D[émétrios] [1835-1908].
Les Grecs Au Moyen Age Étude Historique. Traduite Du Grec Moderne En Français Par Émile Legrand.
Paris: Maisonneuve Et Cie., 1878..
12mo. pp. 4 p.l., 136. with half-title. Uncut & unopened in original printed wrs. First Edition of the French Translation.
$75 USD                          Book Number: elala2523                         Order / Enquire

BOURKE, Thomas.
A Concise History Of The Moors In Spain, From Their Invasion Of That Kingdom To Their Final Expulsion From It.
London: Printed For F.C. and J.Rivington, And J.Hatchard, 1811..
4to. pp. xli, [1 leaf], 278. with half-title. contemporary calf (covers scuffed, front free-endpaper wanting, some modest foxing, soiling to one page). First Edition. Covering the period from 711 to 1586.
$649 USD                          Book Number: GURCoBOU25                         Order / Enquire

BREGY, Pierre & OBOLENSKY, Serge.
L'Ukraine Terre Russe.
Paris: Gallimard, [1939]..
12mo. pp. 238. wrs.
$75 USD                          Book Number: aly1407                         Order / Enquire

BUONAMICI, Castruccio, conte [1710-1761].
Commentariorum De Bello Italico.
Leyden: 1750-51..
4 Volumes in 2. small 4to. pp. 1 p.l., [v]-xx, 128; xix, [1], 122; 1 p.l., [v]-xxiv, 130, [blank leaf]; 144, [2 leaves]errata. titles in red & black. woodcut title vignettes, ornaments & initials. later sprinkled calf, rebacked (joints bit rubbed, fine crisp copies ). from the Chatsworth Library, with bookplate. Duke of Devonshire cypher at head of spines. First Edition of this history of events in Italy during the War of the Austrian Succession, 1740-48. The author, who was baptized Pietro Giuseppe but later adopted the name Castruccio in honour of the legendary condottiere Castruccio Castracani, also wrote an account of the battle of Velletri (1744), in which he took an active part. Both works are highly regarded. Brunet 25291.
$699 USD                          Book Number: elala2019                         Order / Enquire

[CAMPBELL, John] [1708-1775].
The Present State Of Europe; Explaining The Interests, Connections, Political And Commercial Views Of Its Several Powers.
London: Printed for Thomas Longman, and Charles Hitch., 1752..
8vo. pp. viii, 517, [3]. contemporary sprinkled calf (joints cracked, occasional light foxing). Third Revised and Enlarged Edition. An important work on the government and international relations of Russia, Poland, Sweden, Prussia, Austria, France, Portugal, United Provinces, Britain, the republics of Genoa and Venice, &c. Kress 5186. Goldsmiths' 8686. Higgs 380.
$400 USD                          Book Number: elala508                         Order / Enquire

CASANOVA DE SEINGALT, [Giacomo Girolamo].
The Memoirs.Now fully annotated for the first time in English. The Memoirs and Notes translated by Arthur Machen & introduced by Haveloch Ellis.
[New York]: Printed at Edinburgh by R. & R.Clark for the Members of the Limited Editions Club, 1940..
8 Volumes. 4to. original quarter cloth. Limited to 1500 numbered copies, signed by Francis Meynell. Extensively annotated by the scholar-members of The Casanova Society of France, designed by Francis Meynell, printed by R. & R.Clark, Edinburgh on Spalding & Hodge special paper, set in monotype Pastonchi, bound by Leighton-Straker Bookbinding Company, London. LEC Quarter-Millenary 116.
$410 USD                          Book Number: GSAeCASA87                         Order / Enquire

COYER, Gabriel François, Abbé] [1707-1761].
The History Of John Sobieski, King Of Poland.
London: Printed for A.Millar, 1762..
8vo. pp. viii, 491, [1]blank, [28]index. later tree calf (rear joint partly cracked, occasional foxing). First Edition of the English Translation.
$599 USD                          Book Number: elala3399                         Order / Enquire

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