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THE EVERGREEN A Northern Seasonal.
Edinburgh: Patrick Geddes And Colleagues & London: T.Fisher Unwin, 1895-97..
4 Volumes. 8vo. pp. 138, [6]; 147, [5]; 141, [1]; 156, [2]. numerous full-page illus., head & tailpieces, title vignettes & decorative initials. tipped-in publisher's slip. original decoratively stamped & partly coloured leather-covered boards, rebacked, top edge gilt (some wear & soiling to covers, inner margins of a few leaves in Vol. II taped, foxing to outer leaves in Vol. III). All Published of this Celtic revival periodical, an experimental synthesis of art, science and literature. Contributors include editor Sir Patrick Geddes (biologist, sociologist, and pioneering town planner), W.Macdonald, J. Arthur Thomson, Hugo Laubach, William Sharp (using pseudonym Fiona Macleod), Pittendrigh Macgillivray, Noel Paton, &c. The illustrations and Celtic decorations are by Charles H.Mackie (who also designed the covers), J.Cadenwald, John Duncan, Helen Hay, Robert Burns, and others. The Spring and Autumn numbers were issued in 1895, Summer in 1896, and Winter in 1896-97.
$999 USD                          Book Number: elala2223                         Order / Enquire

ROBIN HOOD: A Collection Of The Ancient Poems, Songs, And Ballads, Now Extant, Relative To That Celebrated English Outlaw: To Which Are Prefixed Historical Anecdotes Of His Life.
London: Printed for T.Egerton, And J.Johnson, 1795..
2 Volumes. 8vo. pp. 1 p.l., cxviii, [2], 167; 2 p.l., 220, [4]errata. bound without the half-titles. numerous wood-engraved text illus. 19th century calf (spine ends & joints repaired). First Edition to be Edited by Joseph Ritson [1752-1803]. Ritson's compilation of songs and poems celebrating the legendary outlaw was quite exhaustive, to the point where he was criticized for publishing many "valueless versions of the same ballad, and [printing] indisciminately all 'the spurious trash' that had accumulated about his hero's name." (DCB) In the first volume the 'Life of Robin Hood', pp. [iii]-xiii, is followed by a lengthy run of footnotes, pp. [xiv]-cxviii, and a glossary occupies pp. [149]-167. Volume II contains the melodies of five songs. The two volumes are illustrated with numerous charming wood engravings by John and Thomas Bewick. Hugo 86. Tattersfield JB55. NCBEL II 1764.
$1649 USD                          Book Number: elala1612                         Order / Enquire

THE CLUB: Or, A Grey-Cap for a Green-Head. Containing Maxims, Advice and Cautions. Being A Dialogue between a Father and Son. In which is Interspers'd the following Characters. Viz. Antiquary, Buffoon, Critic, Detractor, Envoioso, Flatterer, Gamester.Th
London: Printed for John King; And Thomas King, [c1733]..
12mo. pp. 6 p.l., 179. engraved frontis. portrait of James Puckle by J.Cole after J.B.Closterman. 19th century calf (front cover loose, rear joint partly cracked, some foxing throughout, piece chipped from outer margin of frontis.). Fifth Edition, with Additions.
$205 USD                          Book Number: EE24.THE23                         Order / Enquire

THE COMIC ALMANACK An Ephemeris In Jest And Earnest, Containing Merry Tales, Humorous Poetry, Quips, And Oddities By Thackeray, Albert Smith, Gilbert À Beckett, The Brothers Mayhew.Second Series, 1844-1853.
London: John Camden Hotten & New York: Scribner, Welford And Co., [1871]..
8vo. pp. 3 p.l., 428, [32]ads. numerous plates (some folding) & text illus. by George Cruikshank & others. original blind & gilt-stamped cloth (cloth lightly spotted, extremities frayed).
$100 USD                          Book Number: elala3689                         Order / Enquire

AIKIN, John [1747-1822].
Essays On Song-Writing: With A Collection Of Such English Songs As Are Most Eminent For Poetical Merit. The Second Edition, With Additions And Corrections.
Warrington: Printed By William Eyres, For Joseph Johnson, 1774..
8vo. pp. xix, 286 modern quarter calf over older cloth sides (some modest foxing throughout). Second Edition (first: 1772) of this scholarly examination of song-writing and pastoral poetry by the English physician and man of letters. "[Aikin's] elegant scholarship gave a natural polish to all that he wrote, and his varied attainments, as well as his moral uprightness, earned him many friends, among whom were Dr. Priestley, Pennant, the naturalist, Dr. Darwin, James Montgomery, John Howard, the philanthopist, and, for a time, the poet, Southey." (DNB) NCBEL II 23.
$400 USD                          Book Number: elala365                         Order / Enquire

AINSWORTH, William Harrison [1805-1882].
The Lord Mayor Of London: Or, City Life In The Last Century.
London: Chapman And Hall, 1862.
3 Volumes. 8vo. pp. ix, 304; vi, 302; vi, 316. untrimmed in original blind & gilt-stamped cloth (spines faded & little frayed at ends, short tear in lower spine of Vol. III, light foxing to outer leaves). Ainsworth's armorial bookplate in Vol. I. tipped-in 3-page ALS from Ainsworth, dated Feb. 13, 1872, to Mess. Asher & Co., Covent Garden, remarking that he would be happy to enter into an arrangement for a continental edition of his new work 'Boscobel', but regrets that since he has "always experienced such liberal treatment from [his] old friend Baron Tauchnitz", that he feels bound to first offer the work to him. First Edition. NCBEL III 912. Sadleir 19.
$1089 USD    Book Number: ENSeAINS0         Order / Enquire

AINSWORTH, William Harrison [1805-1882].
Windsor Castle An Historical Romance. New Edition.
London: Henry Colburn, Publisher, 1843..
8vo. pp. x, 324. engraved frontis. portrait of Ainsworth by Freeman after Maclise, etched title by Thomson after Tony Johannot, & 18 etchings by George Cruikshank & Tony Johannot. 3 wood-engraved plates & numerous text illus. by W.Alfred Delamotte. untrimmed in original blind & gilt-stamped cloth (recased with new endpapers, spine dull & bit frayed, occasional light spotting). Second Edition in Book Form but the First true Illustrated Edition (the first had only 3 frontispieces). This is the earlier issue, in blue cloth. Cohn 19. NCBEL III 912.
$250 USD                          Book Number: elala2351                         Order / Enquire

AKENSIDE, Mark [1721-1770].
The Poems.
London: Printed By W.Bowyer And J.Nichols: And Sold By J.Dodsley, 1772..
4to. pp. xi, [1]blank, 380. with initial blank. fine mezzotint frontis. portrait by Edward Fisher after Arthur Pond. contemporary calf (some moderate wear to binding). First Collected Edition; large-paper issue on fine thick writing paper. Edited by Akenside's old friend and executor Jeremiah Dyson. NCBEL II 637.
$850 USD                          Book Number: elala4515                         Order / Enquire

[AKENSIDE, Mark] [1721-1770].
The Pleasures Of The Imagination. A Poem. In Three Books.
London: Printed for R.Dodsley, 1744..
4to. pp. 125, [1]blank, [2]ads. complete with half-title & final advert. leaf. title in red & black with engraved vignette. woodcut headpieces & tailpiece. disbound (2 short marginal tears on half-title). First Edition, First Issue (5-line footnote on p. 9, p. 20 incorrectly numbered 22, press-figure 1 on pp. 21, 30 & 32) of the best-known work of the English poet and physician, begun when he was only seventeen years of age. Dodsley paid Akenside £120 for it after soliciting the opinion of Alexander Pope who remarked that "this was no every day writer". Foxon A-139. NCBEL II 637. Rothschild 20.
$350 USD                          Book Number: elala4514                         Order / Enquire

AMIS, Martin.
London Fields.
[Toronto:] Lester & Orpen Dennys, [1989]..
8vo. pp. 5 p.l., 470. bds. Fine copy in near fine dw. (wrinkle on dw. spine). First Edition, Canadian Issue (published simultaneously in the UK by Jonathan Cape).
$100 USD                          Book Number: dola1043                         Order / Enquire

AMORY, Thomas [1691?-1788].
The Life Of John Buncle, Esq.A New Edition.
London: Septimus Prowett, 1825..
3 Volumes. 8vo. pp. 2 p.l., 326; 2 p.l., 334; 2 p.l., 412. complete with half-titles. later (c1900) half morocco, t.e.g., others untrimmed (occasional light foxing). "The book is a literary curiosity, containing an extraordinary medley of religious and sentimental rhapsodies, descriptions of scenery, and occasional fragments of apparently genuine autobiography. "The soul of Rabelais," says Hazlitt, "passed into.[Thomas] Amory." The phrase is suggested by Amory's rollicking love adventures.". (DNB)
$450 USD                          Book Number: elala184                         Order / Enquire

[ANSTEY, John] [d. 1819].
The Pleader's Guide, A Didactic Poem, In Two Parts: Containing Mr. Surrebutter's Poetical Lectures On The Conduct Of A Suit At law, Including The Arguments Of Counsellor Bother'um, And Counsellor Bore'um, In A Action For Assault And Battery, Betwixt John-
London: Printed For T.Cadell And W.Davies, 1815..
8vo. pp. xvi, 212. with half-title. Uncut in original bds., rebacked in cloth (hinges strengthened with cloth. The author was a poet, a barrister of Lincoln's Inn, and a commissioner for auditing public accounts. Holdsworth, in his 'History of the English Law' (Vol. XIII, pp. 460ff.) devotes four pages to this work, one of the best and most popular examples of the humorous and satirical literature arising from the law of procedure and pleading. "Porson is said to have know it by heart, and Lord Campbell quotes it in his 'Lives of the Justices." (DNB) Sweet & Maxwell I 262.5.
$300 USD                          Book Number: ENSe[ANS27                         Order / Enquire

[ARMSTRONG, John] [1709-1779].
The Art Of Preserving Health: A Poem.
London: Printed for A.Millar, 1744..
4to. pp. 1 p.l., 134. woodcut title vignette & tailpieces. contemporary sprinkled sheep, rebacked & recornered (rubbed). First Edition. "In the class of poetry to which it belongs, the Art of preserving Health holds a distinguished place. No writer of the eighteenth century had so masterful a grasp of blank verse as is shown in parts of this poem. the powerful passage descriptive of the plague (book iii.) has been highly praised. As in all didactic poetry, the practical directions are of little interest; but those who value austere imagination and weighty diction cannot afford to neglect Armstrong's masterpiece." (DNB) "[Armstrong's] masterpiece.the verse is dotted frequently with beautiful phrases, and has many passages of extreme power, both in description and in an oratorical eloquence that is Armstrong's own." (Williams) Bib. Osleriana 4335. Blake p. 19. Foxon A296. Hayward 168. Rothschild 56. Wellcome II p. 57. Williams pp. 21 & 33.
$699 USD                          Book Number: elala2365                         Order / Enquire

ARNE, Tho[mas] Aug[ustine] [1710-1778] (Translator & Composer).
Artaxerxes. An English Opera As it is Performed at the Theatres Royal In Drury-Lane, And Covent-Garden. The Musick composed by.New Edition.
London: Printed for G.Kearsly and W.Griffin, [c1763]..
8vo. pp. 47. woocut ornaments. disbound (few running titles & page numbers cropped). Nicolls III 233.
$85 USD                          Book Number: elala2366                         Order / Enquire

Making, Knowing And Judging. An Inaugural Lecture Delivered Before The University Of Oxford On 11 June 1956.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1956..
8vo. pp. 33, [1]. wrs. (2 chips to edges of wrs.). First Edition.
$60 USD                          Book Number: dola2434                         Order / Enquire

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