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AN APPEAL To The Landholders Concerning the Reasonableness And General Benefit Of An Excise Upon Tobacco and Wine.
London: Printed for J. Peele, 1733..
8vo. pp. 32. disbound (paper-covered spine, edges of outer leaves bit chipped & small tear in title - no loss, dampstain to upper outer corner). First Edition. Bell A285. European Americana 733/11. Goldsmiths' 7083. Hanson 4547. Kress 4066.
$150 USD Book Number: elala4801 Order / Enquire
DES DOUANES Et Des Colonies. Observations Préliminaires A La Discussion De La Loi Dans Les Deux Chambres.
Paris: C.J.Trouvé, 1822..
8vo. pp. 1 p.l., 32. disbound. (light stain to title). First Edition. Urging protective policies for colonial sugar. Kress S.6327. Not in Sabin.
$115 USD Book Number: ESDES DO5 Order / Enquire
Money, Trade, and Economic Growth.
New York: The Macmillan Company, [1951]..
8vo. pp. x, 343. index. cloth (corners rubbed). First Edition.
$60 USD Book Number: aly275 Order / Enquire
TAXE De La Chancellerie Romaine Ou La Banque Du Pape Dans laquelle l'Absolution des Crimes les plus énorme se donne, pour l'Argent, Ouvrage Qui fait voir l'Ambition et l'Avarice des Papes, Traduit de l'ancienne Édition Latine. Nouvelle Édition Revue corri
Rome [ie. Holland]: 'À la Tiare chez Pierre la Clef', 1744..
2 Parts in 1. 12mo. pp. lx, 328, [8], 234, [8]. engraved frontis., engraved title & 1 other engraved plate. later quarter sheep (spine damaged, joints cracked & weak, light dampmark to upper inner margins through first half). Preface by J.B.Renault. Founded on A. Du Pinet's Taxe des partis casuelles, 1564. Barbier IV 671. Kress 4735.
$410 USD Book Number: EXETAXE 53 Order / Enquire
THE BANKING ALMANAC FOR 1913.Containing A Complete Banking Directory Of The United Kingdom And The British Colonies, The Principal Banks Of The World.Edited By R.H. Inglis Palgrave.
London: Waterlow And Sons Limited, [1912]..
8vo. pp. xx, 1452. 4 single-sheet inserts. original blind & gilt-stamped cloth (small stain to lower spine).
$350 USD Book Number: elala3191 Order / Enquire
THE BANKING ALMANAC, AND DIRECTORY, Year Book And Diary, For 1869.Edited By D. Morier Evans.
London: Richard Groombridge And Sons., [1868]..
8vo. pp. iv, 284 plus diary. lacking last leaf of ads. original blind & gilt-stamped cloth (front joint cracked, front hinge taped, few leaves bit soiled & tatty at edges).
$250 USD Book Number: elala3188 Order / Enquire
THE BANKING ALMANAC, AND DIRECTORY, Year Book And Diary, For 1877.Edited By R.H. Inglis Palgrave.
London: Waterlow And Sons Limited, [1876]..
8vo. pp. iv, 552 plus diary. original blind & gilt-stamped cloth.
$350 USD Book Number: elala3189 Order / Enquire
THE BANKING ALMANAC, AND DIRECTORY, Year Book And Diary, For 1885.Edited By R.H. Inglis Palgrave.
London: Waterlow And Sons Limited, [1884]..
8vo. pp. iv, 658 plus diary. original blind & gilt-stamped cloth (inner front hinge broken).
$300 USD Book Number: elala3190 Order / Enquire
AN ENQUIRY Relative To The Highways In The Shire Of Berwick. Submitted to the Consideration of the Heretors and Tenants in the Shire. 8vo.
[Edinburgh?: 1770?]..
pp. 20. Uncut & stitched, as issued.
$75 USD Book Number: elala4805 Order / Enquire
AN ENQUIRY Into The Causes of the Miscarriage Of The Scots Colony at Darien. Or An Answer To A Libel Entituled A Defence of the Scots Abdicating Darien. Submitted to the Consideration of the Good People of England.
Glasgow: 1700..
8vo. pp. 4 p.l., 112. stitched, as issued. in folding cloth box. First Edition. A reply to a pamphlet attacking the ill-fated Darien colony in America, written by James Hodges (Defence of the Scots Abdicating Darien, Including an Answer to the Defence of the Scots Settlement There, 1700). George Ridpath is suggested as the probable author in the Kress Library Catalogue. The writer attempts to discredit Hodges as a 'monster, renegade and traitor' and dismisses his charges against the 'Company of Scotland trading to Africa and the Indies' ('Darien Company') as malicious calumnies. In turn, he attributes the failure of the colony to the commercial jealousy and opposition of the English Crown, which from the outset sought to ruin the venture, threatening legal action against the directors of the company, prohibiting the subscription of English capital, actively hindering German and Dutch subscriptions, and forbidding the English colonies in America to afford any manner of assistance to the Scots at Darien.Wing I213. Scott, Bibliography of the Darien Company, 104. Bell E90. Goldsmiths' 3654. Kress 2220. Sabin 18552. Winsor VIII p. 266.
$1548 USD Book Number: EARE(DAR30 Order / Enquire
(McLUHAN, [Herbert] Marshall). THEOBALD, Robert (Editor).
The Guaranteed Income: Next Step In Socioeconomic Evolution?
Garden City, NY: Anchor Books, Doubleday & Company Inc., [1967]..
12mo. pp. 237, [1]. wrs. (rubbed, splash marks on fore-edge). Including McLuhan's essay 'Guaranteed Income in the Electric Age', pp. [194]-205.
$50 USD Book Number: dola2522 Order / Enquire
(NECKER, Jacques [1732-1804]).
LETTRE À Mr. Necker, Directeur Général Des Finances.
London.Paris: 'Chez les Libraires Qui Vendent Les Nouveautés', 1781..
$288 USD Book Number: IECTT(NE82 Order / Enquire
Working Men And Women.
London: Tinsley Brothers, 1879..
12mo. pp. xxvii, 308. with half-title. original cloth (extremities bit frayed). First Edition. Including chapters on 'The Club Man', 'The Job-For-Life Man', 'The Workshop Bully', 'The Workshop Orator', 'The Bred-And-Born Housewife', &c.
$173 USD Book Number: EWOrkA W45 Order / Enquire
The American Bond Detector; And Complete History of the United States Government Securities; Issued Under The Sanction Of The United States Treasury Department.
Washington, D.C.: 1869..
oblong folio. pp. 2 p.l., 100. 22 engraved plates of American bank notes (some colour) & 9 chromolithographed & embossed plates of coins in gold, silver & copper metallic tones. new half calf, original cloth from front cover bound in (paper lightly embrowned, light soiling or foxing to some plates). First Edition. The plates of the bonds were printed at the Treasury Department from the original dies in the possession of the government and show all of the bonds issued under the Acts of Congress from July 17, 1861, to March 3, 1868. The descriptive text includes important details to aid in the detection of counterfeits. Also included are nine chromolithographed and embossed plates in metallic tones showing the obverse and reverse of different denominations of gold, silver, and copper American and international coins. This is the only work of its type ever produced due to the fact that the Treasury Department refused to authorize any further use of its security dies. The intent was to furnish "bankers and the public with a positive and permanent basis for testing the genuineness of their bonds, and for the dissemination of information believed to be of the first importance for the protection alike of individuals and the government". The publishers have carefully guarded their plates from the liability of any possible transfer or misuse by the adoption of a small segmented mutilation in the form of the letter V. Authorship has been attributed to both Nehemiah George Ordway, who is listed on the verso of the title as having filed for copyright, and to Laban Heath, who wrote Heath's Infallible Counterfeit Detector (1864).
$6993 USD Book Number: elala3616 Order / Enquire
"Sold American!" - The First Fifty Years The American Tobacco Company [1904-1954].
np: [1954]..
4to. pp. 144. extensive illus. (some colour). leatherette. First Edition.
$51 USD Book Number: EERolAME7 Order / Enquire
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