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A FAIR REPRESENTATION Of His Majesty's Right To Nova-Scotia or Acadie. Briefly stated from the Memorials of the English Commissaires; With An Answer to the Objections Contained In the French Memorials.
London: Printed by Edward Owen, 1756..
8vo. pp. 64. woodcut headpiece & initial. A fine copy in modern half calf. First Edition. A trenchant restatement of Britain's pretensions to Nova Scotia or Acadia against the claims of the French, stressing its importance to the trade and security of her other American colonies. Written by William Shirley and William Mildmay, the English commissioners appointed after the Treaty of Aix-La-Chapelle (1748) to negotiate the dispute with France over the boundaries of Acadia, the work was designed to counter the French memorials and to respond specifically to a certain pamphlet written by Mathieu François Pidansat de Mairobert (Discussion Sommaire sur les anciennes Limites de l'Acadie). Bell F10. Casey I 204 (with map). Dionne II 552. Gagnon I 1323. Lande 216. Sabin 56129. TPL 246.
$2198 USD                          Book Number: elala1962                         Order / Enquire

A SERIES Of Letters, On The Commercial Treaty With France Published In The Kentish Gazette, In The Year MDCCLXXXVII. By A Country Gentleman.
London: Printed For G. and T.Wilkie, [1787]..
8vo. pp. 1 p.l., v, 51. with half-title. modern quarter morocco. Inscribed to John (?) from the Author. First Edition. Concerning the effect of the Treaty of Paris on wines and spirits, particularly on the British West Indian rum and sugar trade and on the British distillery. Kress B.1337. Not in Sabin.
$549 USD                          Book Number: elala1987                         Order / Enquire

A SHORT ACCOUNT Of the late Application to Parliament Made By The Merchants of London Upon the Neglect of their Trade: With The Substance of the Evidence Thereupon; As sum'd up by Mr. Glover.
London: Printed for T.Cooper, 1742..
8vo. pp. 61. modern quarter calf. First Edition. "A petition with supporting evidence showing the loss to English merchants from the Spanish attacks on their ships" (Bell) during the War of the Austrian Succession. The petition, which was presented by the lord mayor, Sir Robert Godschall, was signed by three hundred merchants and drawn up by Richard Glover [1712-1785], who also summed up the evidence before the House of Commons. The petition partly complains of the inadequate protection of British commerce in North America. "Mentions Virginia and Carolina." (European Americana) Bell S298. European Americana 742/177. Goldsmiths' 7895. Hanson 5624. Kress 4627. cfSabin 27608 (not listing the 1st Edn.).
$599 USD                          Book Number: elala1991                         Order / Enquire

AN ADDRESS OF MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Of The Congress Of The United States, To Their Constituents, On The Subject Of The War With Great Britain.
Philadelphia: Printed At The Office Of The United States' Gazette, [1812]..
8vo. pp. 24. text in double columns. uncut. disbound (some browning, foxing & dampstaining). Signed in print by George Sullivan and 33 other Federalist members. Howes A-77. Sabin 393. Shaw & Shoemaker 24550. cfTPL 881-84.
$77 USD                          Book Number: CA1.AN A63                         Order / Enquire

Art Work On Toronto With A Foreword By George Baird
Toronto: Blantyre Books, 1984.
folio. pp. xvi, 17, [2]. 101 b/w illus. on 75 plates. cloth (covers bit spotted). cloth slipcase (bit soiled). Edition limited to 950 numbered copies (First edition: 1898).
$243 USD                          Book Number: ABE-715987                         Order / Enquire

BRITISH NORTH AMERICA: Comprising Canada, British Central North America, British Columbia, Vancouver's Island, Nova Scotia And Cape Breton, New Brunswick, Prince Edward's Island, Newfoundland And Labrador.
London: The Religious Tract Society, [1864]..
12mo. pp. viii, 370, 6(ads). 2 coloured maps (incl. folding frontis.). original blind & gilt-stamped cloth (spine discoloured & little frayed at ends). Lowther 225. Sabin 8114 (calling for 1 map). TPL 9165.
$200 USD                          Book Number: CITBRITI5                         Order / Enquire

CONSIDERATIONS On The Management Of The Late Secret Expeditions, And The Conduct of the Court of France. In a Letter to *** [ie. Sir Robert Walpole].
London: Printed for W.Webb, 1740..
8vo. pp. 1 p.l., 28. lacking half-title. woodcut ornaments. disbound (browned, stitching broken). First Edition. "The expeditions in question are Admiral Vernon's to the West Indies and Lord Anson's to the Pacific Ocean, both cited as examples of improper prosecution of the war against Spain by the Walpole ministry." (Bell) Bell C540. JCB I 643. Sabin 15994. European Americana 740/76.
$200 USD                          Book Number: elala1953                         Order / Enquire

FRIENDSHIP'S OFFERING: A Christmas, New Year, And Birthday Present, For MDCCCLII.
Philadelphia: E.H.Butler & Co., 1852..
12mo. pp. 330. 9 aquatint plates by Sartain after Landseer, Westall et al. (incl. frontis. & title). original embossed roan, all edges gilt (extremities & joints rubbed, some foxing throughout, blank corner torn from upper margin of 1 leaf). Faxon 240.
$150 USD                          Book Number: elala1803                         Order / Enquire

LE FOYER CANADIEN. La Littérature Canadienne De 1850 À 1860.
Quebec: G. & G.E.Desbarats, 1864..
Volume II only (of 2). 8vo. pp. 1 p.l., [5]-389. later hard-grained leather, all edges gilt. 'Presented to H.R.H. Prince Arthur By The Province Of Quebec' stamped in gilt on upper cover. Volume I of this anthology, devoted to prose works, was published the previous year. This second volume contains both prose and poetry, with selections from Octave Crémazie (25 separate works), Philippe Aubert de Gaspé, Charles Laberge, L.J.C.Fiset, Alfred Garneau, Louis Honoré Fréchette, and others. This copy was bound for presentation to H.R.H. Prince Arthur, third son of Queen Victoria and H.R.H. Albert. Prince Arthur (Arthur William Patrick Albert, first Duke of Connaught and Strathearn) [1850-1942]. was posted to Canada on military duty in 1869-70, serving during the Red River Rebellion and the Fenian Raid of 1870. In 1911 he was appointed Governor-General of Canada, a position he held until 1916. Gagnon I 1398n. Lande 1775. Sabin 41510. TPL 3980.
$500 USD                          Book Number: elala2570                         Order / Enquire

LE PEUPLE Jugé, Ou Considérations sur lesquelles le Peuple Anglois pourra décider si la Lettre qu' on attribue dans le Précis des Faits à S.A.R. le Duc de Cumberland, est bien véritablement de ce Prince.Ouvrage traduit littéralement de l'Anglois.
[Paris?]: 1756..
12mo. pp. viii, 160. disbound (clean tear to 2 leaves - no loss). First Edition of the French Translation by Edme Jacques Genet of Reasons humbly offered, to prove, that the letter printed at the end of the French memorial of justification [by J.N.Moreau], is a French forgery and falsely ascribed to his Royal Highness [the Duke of Cumberland]. A companion work to John Shebbeare's Fourth Letter to the People of England (translated as Le Peuple Instruit), discussing the English-French conflict in the Ohio and the abortive British expedition under General Braddock. Shebbeare has been suggested as the possible author in Howes. "An ironical defense of the Duke of Cumberland. The letter referred to has title "Lettre de M. Robert Napier, écrite à M. Braddock par ordre de M. le duc de Cumberland. Londres, le 25 novembre 1754", and is included in a collection of documents (compiled by Jacob Nicolas Moreau and published by order of the French government in 1756) entitled "Mémoire contenant le précis des faits, avec leurs pièces justificatives, pour servir de réponse aux observations envoyées par les ministres d'Angleterre, dans les cours de l'Europe".(LC) Dionne II 558. Howes R-101. JCB I 1135 (incorrect pagination). Sabin 68284. Not in TPL.
$400 USD                          Book Number: elala1978                         Order / Enquire

LETTRES CURIEUSES Sur L'Amérique Septentrionale. Canada.
Paris: J.-B. Gros, 1845..
12mo. pp. 2 p.l., xviii, [1 blank leaf], 264. complete with half-title. contemporary tree sheep, gilt back (extremities bit rubbed, occasional light foxing). First Edition. Eight letters written by a French traveller in the Americas from 1694-97, including five relating to Canada and the Mississippi, with an introductory description of Canada in 1842. Dionne II 1229. Howes L-298. Lande 534. Sabin 40685 (incorrect pagination). TPL 118.
$308 USD                          Book Number: CTTLETTR56                         Order / Enquire

OBSERVATIONS On The Conduct Of Great-Britain, With Regard to the Negociations and other Transactions Abroad.
London: Printed and Sold by J.Roberts, 1729..
8vo. pp. 61. tables. disbound. First Edition. "A defence of Sir Robert Walpole against charges of willfully neglecting England's West Indian commerce." (Bell) "Sometimes attributed to Nicholas Amhurst. Refers to Admiral Hosier's and other British expeditions to the West Indies against the Spaniards." (European Americana) Bell O19. European Americana 729/161. Sabin 56514. Goldsmiths' 6660. Hanson 3950. Kress 3819.
$275 USD                          Book Number: elala1974                         Order / Enquire

ONTARIO COUNTY GAZETTEER And Canadian Cyclopaedia. Containing Historical Sketches of Ontario and of the Dominion of Canada, with detailed Information in regard to Population, Religion, Constitution, Laws, Education.
Toronto: J.S.Robertson & Bros., [1885]..
8vo. pp. 1 p.l., 148. 18 colour diagrams (6 of them plates, of which 2 are folding). 39 colour county maps (2 double-page) & 4 double-page colour maps of Ontario & Quebec showing railway lines, Eastern Townships, Quebec, & Manitoba. A nice bright copy in original cloth (corners slightly frayed).
$250 USD                          Book Number: CTAONTAR15                         Order / Enquire

POPULAR Prejudices Against the Convention And Treaty with Spain, Examin'd and Answer'd.
London: Printed for T.Cooper, 1739..
8vo. pp. 30. with final blank. disbound & uncut (outer pages slightly soiled). First Edition. A reply to George Lyttelton's Considerations Upon the present State of our Affairs, At Home and Abroad (1739), concerning the Spanish claim to search vessels for contraband in the Americas. "Includes references to plantation trade, especially in slaves & sugar." (European Americana) European Americana 739/231. Bell P358. Hanson 5316. Goldsmiths' 7680. Kress 4457. Sabin 64143.
$150 USD                          Book Number: elala1979                         Order / Enquire

Fontenoy [& Paris]: 1745-1759..
3 Parts only, bound together. 12mo. pp. 4 p.l., 224; 222; iv, [4], 207, [1]. lacking title to section B. titles to A & C in red. woodcut ornaments & initials. contemporary mottled calf, gilt back (joints cracked, spine ends chipped). Twenty-four parts were published between 1745 and 1762, with variant imprints. The publication, which was edited by G.L.Calabre Pérau, A.G.Meusnier de Querlon, and others, includes historical, political, and miscellaneous pieces. Of note here in Volume II is 'Mémoire sur la Louisiane, ou le Mississippi', Part II, pp. 123-176. Other entries concern Malta, Africa, comets, the Turkish siege of Vienna in 1683. European Americana 745/183. Muller 2942. Sabin 68417.
$524 USD                          Book Number: CCURECUE12                         Order / Enquire

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