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(WILLIAM III, King of England [1650-1702]).
Manuscript Document.
np: July 3, 1701..
one-page folio. (horizontal folds, chipping & repairs to edges). (WILLIAM III, King of England [1650-1702]). Manuscript Document, dated July 3, 1701, addressed to Charles [Montagu, 1st Earl of] Halifax [1661-1715], Auditor of the Exchequer, signed by H.Boyle, Richard Hill, and T[homas] Pelham (?) [1st Baron, 1653-1712]. Reqesting payment of £300 to Simon de Brienne and his wife Mary, being a year's salary at Christmas 1699 for their service as Housekeeper and Wardrobekeeper at King William III's Palace at Kensington.
$200 USD                          Book Number: elala5058                         Order / Enquire

ABERDEEN, John Campbell Hamilton Gordon, First Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair [1847-1934].
Photo postcard, signed.
np: nd..
5 ¼" x 3 3/8". ABERDEEN, John Campbell Hamilton Gordon, First Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair [1847-1934] [Governor-General of Canada (1893-1934)]. Photo (of Aberdeen) postcard, signed 'Aberdeen' to Miss M. John, stamped 'Private Secretary Lord Lieutenant.'
$150 USD                          Book Number: elala750                         Order / Enquire

ANDERSON, Marian [Opera Singer].
Signed folded illus. concert program (pp. 6), Massey Hall, Toronto.
Toronto: March 31, 1962..

$225 USD                          Book Number: elala5277                         Order / Enquire

BELLEAU, Sir Narcisse Fortunat [1808-1894]
Autograph letter in French, signed.
Montreal: 1867..
8vo. 3 pages. docket title. (horizontal & vertical folds - 2 short tears at folds, blank bit soiled). BELLEAU, Sir Narcisse Fortunat [1808-1894] [Premier of United Canada (1865-67); First Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Quebec (1867-73)]. Autograph letter in French, signed, dated Montreal, January 4, 1867 on Executive Council Canada letterhead, to the 'Procureur Général du Bas Canada'. [Docket Title: Letter the Honble N.F.Belleau Sentence of Death on three Fenians Commuted to Imprisonment in Penitentiary - order to take three in charge by N. Schillar (?) 4 January 1867 - Dispatched 9 January 1867]. An important letter from Narcisse Belleau, premier of United Canada, on the fate of three convicted Fenians. Belleau requests that the unnamed prisoners, whose death sentences have just been commuted to imprisonment, be transported, under armed guard and by special train, directly to the provincial penitentiary at Kingston. Belleau stresses the necessity of keeping the matter strictly confidential: "Ce qui suit doit être tenu sous le plus grand secret & executé avec toute la discretion dont vous avez fait preuve en plusieurs occasions. "
$899 USD                          Book Number: elala754                         Order / Enquire

BESANT, Sir Walter [1836-1901].
Autograph Letter, Signed.
np: March 9, 1884..
8vo. pp. 2. BESANT, Sir Walter [1836-1901]. Autograph Letter, Signed, on letterhead, dated March 9, 1884, to H.O.Davidson. "...The scheme of the People's Palace is not advanced much (if any) further than I have indicated in my paper. Sir Edward Hay Currie could give you any paper that they have recently issued. There is to be, I believe, another meeting at the Mansion House on the subject knowing it very much wanted and no doubt when the Palace is once fairly started, personal help will be also be added for a time...P.S. Mr. Clinton Dawkins, Burlington Fine Arts Club...has been acting as a kind of Honorary Secretary to the promoters. He might tell you more than Sir Edward." The establishment of the People's Palace in the East of London was a result of Besant's efforts to arouse the public conscience to the hardship among the poorest classes there. Inspired by Sir Walter Besant's novel 'All Sorts and Conditions of Men', which was essentially a plea to resolve the problems of poverty in East London, the People's Palace for the recreation, amusement and education of the people of the East End of London was built over a period of years from 1886. Opened officially by Queen Victoria in 1887, the project included a technical school, swimming baths, winter gardens, gymnasium and lecture rooms.
$250 USD                          Book Number: elala5024                         Order / Enquire

BINNEY, Hibbert [1819-1887].
Autograph letter, signed.
Sydney(?): 1861(?)..
8vo. 4 pages. stitched in paper wrs. (horizontal folds). BINNEY, Hibbert [1819-1887] [Fourth Anglican Bishop of Nova Scotia (1851-87)]. Autograph letter, signed 'H. Nova Scotia', dated Sydney (.?), Hounston, March 26, 1861 (?), to Mr. Hodgson. ".I would have had much pleasure in being with you on the opening of your church if it had been possible, but I have been pretty well worked between friends & Societies since I came to England & I shall soon have to return to Halifax.".
$150 USD                          Book Number: elala756                         Order / Enquire

BISMARCK, Schönhausen [1815-1904]. [Chancellor of the German Empire (1871-1890) & Prince].
Manuscript letter, signed 'Reinhausen'.
Berlin: 1886.
oblong 8vo. 1 page. BISMARCK, Schönhausen [1815-1904]. [Chancellor of the German Empire (1871-1890) & Prince]. Autograph letter by way of 'Reinhausen', Member of the Vice Chancellors Office, signed 'Reinhausen', dated Berlin the 16 August 1886, to William Murray Esq. Hamilton. On Westlock watermarked paper. oblong 8vo. pp. 1. (horizontal & vertical folds with two short tears in left creases). "To your Honor I am instructed to express the sincere thanks of Prince Bismarck for the well wishing sentiments expressed in the verses, enclosed in your favor of the 27th".
$125 USD                          Book Number: alysser163                         Order / Enquire

BLAKE, Edward [1833-1912] [Second Prime Minister of Ontario (1871-72)].
Typed Letter, Signed, dated Toronto, Aug. 31st, 1895, on 'Blake, Lash & Cassels Barristers & Solicitor's letterhead, to William Murray, Athol. Bank, Hamilton.
Toronto: 1895..
4to. pp. 1 (horizontal & vertical folds). Blake thanks Murray for his letter and kind wishes. "I am afraid that there is not much prospect of my being in Hamilton on this trip, and therefore it must be by letter that I reciprocate your kind wishes for my welfare, and say, "How do you do?", and "Goodbye", all in a breath."
$150 USD                          Book Number: elala5918                         Order / Enquire

BRIGHT, John [1811-1889].
Autograph letter, signed.
Rochdale: 1868..
24mo. 2 pages. BRIGHT, John [1811-1889] [British M.P., President of the Board of Trade]. Autograph letter, signed 'John Bright', dated Rochdale, August 19, 1868, to J.M.A.McCutcheon, General Agent, Fergus, Ontario. Offered with: Autograph letter, marked 'Copy', from McCutcheon to Bright, dated August 1, 1868. 4to. 3 pages.McCutcheon outlines the problems created by unscrupulous wholesale and retail merchants in Canada, and proposes that Britain would do well to establish a colonial trade agent in Canada. He offers himself as a candidate for the position, outlining his qualifications. Bright replies that he is unable to help: "I must leave the insecurity you speak of to cure itself." The Honourable John Bright of Rochdale, Lancashire, was a British statesman who was recognized as one of the most eloquent speakers of his day. Elected to Parliament in 1843, he fought successfully for the repeal of the Corn Laws. He denounced the British policy in the Crimean War and supported the union cause in the American Civil War. In 1868 he was appointed President of the British Board of Trade. He was Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster in 1873 and 1888. He opposed the home rule policy of Prime Minister Gladstone.
$175 USD                          Book Number: elala758                         Order / Enquire

Collection of 1 18th century and 39 19th century signed autograph letters and documents by British judges and barristers, some of them Lord Chancellors, Attorneys-General, Chief-Justices and politicians.
vp: 1789-1880..
various sizes. BRITISH JUDGES AND BARRISTERS. Collection of 1 18th century and 39 19th century signed autograph letters and documents by British judges and barristers, some of them Lord Chancellors, Attorneys-General, Chief-Justices and politicians. The collection includes letters and documents signed by Alexander Wedderburn, 1st Earl of Rosslyn, 1st Baron Loughborough [1733-1805], Lord Chancellor [1793-1801], Sir William Elias Taunton [1743-1835], Sir William Macleod Bannatyne [1743-1833], John Toler, 1st Earl of Norbury [1745-1831], Charles Butler [1750-1832], the first Catholic barrister in England since the revolution of 1688 (1791), Joseph Jekyll [1753-1837], Solicitor General to the Prince of Wales (1805), Sir Thomas Plumer [1753-1824], first Vice Chancellor of England (1813-1818) and Master of the Rolls (1818-1824], Sir John Dallas [1756-1824], Sir Samuel Romilly [1757-1818], prominent legal reformer who succeeded in having capital punishment for minor crimes abolished, Anthony Highmore [1758-1829], &c. Further details available upon request.
$2000 USD                          Book Number: elala5063                         Order / Enquire

BYARD, Sir Thomas [d.1800].
Manuscript Document, Signed.
Hamore(?): September 10, 1791..
160 x 197 mm. BYARD, Sir Thomas [d.1800] [Officer in the British Royal Navy]. Manuscript Document, Signed, dated September 10, 1791 on board the Impregnable at Hamore(?).Certifying to the Lords Commissioners for Executing the Office of the Lord High Admiral of Great Britain that Peter Snodgrass served as a Lieutenant on board HMS Impregnable under Byard's command from April 9 to September 10, 1791 "during which time he complied with the general Printed Instructions, and has not been six Weeks absent from Duty." Byard at the time commanded the HMS Impregnable which was stationed in the Mediterranean. During the French Revolutionary Wars, he distinguished himself in particular at the battles of Camperdown (1797) and Tory Island (1798). Byard was knighted in 1789 for his service to King George III.
$150 USD                          Book Number: elala5026                         Order / Enquire

CARLETON, Sir Guy, First Baron Dorchester [1724-1808].
Manuscript letter, signed.
Quebec: 1791..
small 4to. one page, with integral blank (docket title on verso) (laid down). CARLETON, Sir Guy, First Baron Dorchester [1724-1808] [Lieutenant-Governor (1766-68) and Governor (1768-78) of the Province of Quebec; Commander-in-Chief of the British Forces in North America (1782-86); Governor of Quebec and Governor-in-Chief of British North America (1786-96). Manuscript letter, signed 'Dorchester', dated Quebec, January 13, 1791, to Alexander Adair in London, marked 'Duplicate'. Informing Adair that "I drew on you in favour of Mr. T.A.Coffin for Five hundred pounds sterling in two bills.Inclosed is a certificate that Lady Dorchester is living." Carleton served as quartermaster of the expedition led by Wolfe against Quebec and was wounded at the Battle of the Plains of Abraham. When James Murray was recalled from Quebec in 1766, Carleton was sent there as lieutenant-governor and was appointed governor in 1768. As governor he favoured the maintenance of French laws and customs rather than the introduction of British law and representative institutions and played a crucial role in the framing of the Quebec Act of 1774. It was through his efforts that the American invasion of Canada in 1775-76 was defeated, a service for which he was created KCB. As Governor-in-Chief of British North America he directed the evacuation of the troops and Loyalists from New York in 1783.
$1250 USD                          Book Number: elala762                         Order / Enquire

CARTWRIGHT, Sir Richard John [1835-1912] [Statesman].
Typed letter, signed.
Ottawa: 1902..
4to. 1 page on Department of Trade & Commerce Minister's Office letterhead. CARTWRIGHT, Sir Richard John [1835-1912] [Statesman]. Typed letter, signed, dated Ottawa Nov. 11, 1902, on Department of Trade & Commerce Minister's Office letterhead, to William Murray Esq. at Athol Bank in Hamilton. 4to. pp. 1. (horizontal folds). Cartwright thanks Murray humorously. "I have your letter of the 10th instant, and I regret to say that Imperial honours do not sufficiently develop the poetic faculty to enable me to reply in the same strain."
$100 USD                          Book Number: alysser166                         Order / Enquire

CAVERN, William [1830-1904] [Principal of Knox College (1873-1904)].
Autograph letter, signed.
Toronto: 1902..
12mo. 1 page on Knox College, Toronto letterhead. CAVERN, William [1830-1904] [Principal of Knox College (1873-1904)]. Autograph letter, signed, dated 11 Oct, 1902, on Knox College, Toronto letterhead, to William Murray Esq., Athol Bank, Hamilton. 12mo. pp. 1, with integral blank. (horizontal folds). With envelope (stamp cut out). Cavern thanks Murray for his flattering verses.
$60 USD                          Book Number: alysser167                         Order / Enquire

COCHRAN, Andrew William [1792-1849].
Autograph letter, signed.
Quebec: 1835..
4to. 2 pages, with integral blank leaf. (horizontal & vertical folds). COCHRAN, Andrew William [1792-1849] [Civil Secretary to the Governor of Lower Canada]. Autograph letter, signed by Cochran and A.M.Mountain [widow of Salter Jehosphaphat Mountain [1770-1830]], dated Quebec, October 19, 1835, to John Torrance Esqr., Montreal. Cochran wrote this letter on behalf of George Jehoshaphat Mountain [1789-1863], an executor of the estate of Salter Jehosphaphat Mountain. The letter authorizes Torrance to pay S.J.Mountain's widow, Anna Maria, any money owing from the estate of his father, Jacob Mountain [1749-1825]. The second page of the letter contains a similar authorization from Jacob Mountain's daughter, Mary Anne.
$100 USD                          Book Number: elala766                         Order / Enquire

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