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12 KÜNSTLER aus Deutschland.
Basel: Kunsthalle, 1982..
4to. unpaginated. German text with Dutch text insert. Profusely illus. in b/w, some colour. wrs. (back cover bit scuffed).
$35 USD Book Number: gerscarbs1 Order / Enquire
15. WESTDEUTSCHE Kunstmesse Düsseldorf 1984.
Düsseldorf: 1984..
8vo. pp. 314. German text. profusely illus. in colour & b/w. wrs.
$30 USD Book Number: gerscarbs3 Order / Enquire
1930s Commercial Art Illustration, Advertising, Decorative Patterns and Designs for Packaging.
Amsterdam & Singapore: The Pepin Press, [1998]..
4to. pp. 479, [1]. Introduction & title in English, German, Spanish, Italian, French, Japanese & Chinese (?). colour illus. throughout, focusing on painted or drawn designs, rather than typographic composition. wrs.
$72 USD Book Number: D301.19396 Order / Enquire
450 JAHRE Gelehrtenschule Des Johanneums Zu Hamburg 1979.
Hamburg: 1979..
8vo. pp. 228. German text. b/w illus. boards (sticker residue in upper right corner).
$30 USD Book Number: gerscarbs4 Order / Enquire
London: Methuen and co ltd. [1964]..
8vo. pp. 320. 282 illus. (246 colour). cloth. dw. (back corner torn, extremities slightly worn).
$36 USD Book Number: IDI39.A 36 Order / Enquire
ADLIB 11 the human drama.
[New York: The Pratt Adlib Press, 1963]..
Cover Title. 4to. portfolio of 14 student graphic projects from the Pratt Institute loosely inserted in wrs. (extremities of wrs. bit worn). 14 folding plates.
$103 USD Book Number: ALI1.ADL27 Order / Enquire
Alivar Museum The Classics of Modern Furniture.
[np]: Alivar Museum, 1997..
4to. pp. 433, [6]. numerous b/w illus. cloth. dw. Fifth Edition.
$150 USD Book Number: aly1352 Order / Enquire
Alte Vorwiegend Süddeutsche Fayence und Porzellane, Gläser, Arbeiten in Edelmetall, Bronze und Zinn, Skulpturen, Möbel, Gobelins und Kostume, Miniaturen Etc. Aus Den Nachlässen Dr. Hans Stegmann, Müchen + Dr. William Schmidt, Müchen + Prof. A.V. Wierusz-Kowalski, Müchen [Cover Title: Antiguitaten Gobelins Alte Möbel. Aukiton in Müchen in der Galerie Helbing].
München: Hugo Helbing, 1917..
4to. pp. [6], 41 + 49 (Plates). German text. 49 full-page b/w plates. wrs. (some spotting/staining to margins of plates, spine taped, some chips and creases to interior pages).
$100 USD Book Number: stela1015 Order / Enquire
ANONIEME Vlaamse Primitieven Zuidnederlandse Meesteers Met Noodnamen Van De 15de En Het Begin Van de 16dw EEUW.
Brugge: Stad, 1969..
8vo. pp. 327, [3]. Dutch text. profusely illus. in b/w, some colour plates. wrs. (bit bumped).
$40 USD Book Number: stela2070 Order / Enquire
[London]: Bison Books, [1988]..
4to. pp. 192. biblio. index. profusely illus. in colour & b/w (some full-page). cloth. dw. laid-in xerox of Sherwood F.Moran's 'Notes on Japanese Sword Fittings', Hollywood, CA: W.M.Hawley, 1979. First Edition.
$128 USD Book Number: DMSARMS 29 Order / Enquire
ART FOR SURVIVAL The Illustrator And The Environment.Sponsored By The United Nations Environmental Programme.Presented At The Society Of Illustrators Museum Of American Illustration.
Zurich: Graphis Press Corp., [1992]..
4to. pp. 249 + [5] publisher's ads. Text in English, German & French. 150 colour illus. index. cloth. dw. Exhib. Cat.
$67 USD Book Number: AT9.ART 90 Order / Enquire
Art-Expo 87 The international review of the major exhibitions and events of the past year.
[Oxford]: Phaidon, [1987]..
4to. pp. 312. 335 illus. (200 colour). index. cloth. dw.
$77 USD Book Number: ABE-203152 Order / Enquire
Arte A Milano 1946-1959 6 Volumes.
[Verona]: Edizioni Ae dell'aurora, [1999]..
Volume 1: Reale, Concreto, Astratto. Volume 2: M.A.C. e Dintorni. Volume 3: Il Movimento Nucleare. Volume 4: Il Movimento Spaziale. Volume 5: Fra Storia E Cose: Realismo Esistenziale e Dintorni. folio. pp. 23; 133; 121; 157; 132; 93. profusely illus. in colour. wrs. (upper spine of volume 1 rubbed). bds slipcase (slightly discoloured in upper edge with lower corners bumped & cracks in most hinges). First Edition.
$250 USD Book Number: aly401 Order / Enquire
Bulletin De Liaison Surrealiste Reedition integrale des numeros 1 a 10.
[Paris]: Editions Savelli, [1977]..
4to. irregular pagination. some illus. wrs.
$134 USD Book Number: ABE-531514 Order / Enquire
BÜRGERBAUTEN Aus Vier Jahrhundert Deutscher Vergangenheit.
Königstein Im Taunus & Leipzig: Karl Robert Langewiesche, [1921]..
4to. pp. 72. German text. profusely illus. in b/w. wrs. (institutional bookplate to fep). dw. (torn along spine, chipped & creased).
$40 USD Book Number: stela1617 Order / Enquire
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