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SINGER, Caroline (Text) & & BALDRIDGE, C. Le Roy (Illustrator).
Turn To The East by two who seek here to intimate the richness of their adventure.
New York: Minton, Balch & Company & London: Halton & Truscott Smith, Ltd., 1926..
folio. pp. 2 p.l., 71, [1]. 8 colour plates & numerous text illus. quarter cloth (covers stained & chipped, light soiling & spotting mainly to inner margins). First Edition.
$154 USD Book Number: FBArn& B19 Order / Enquire
SMITH, Arthur H[enderson] [1845-1932].
China In Convulsion.
New York, Chicago & Toronto: Fleming H. Ravell Company, 1901..
2 Volumes. 8vo. pp. xiv, [4], 364; 4 p.l., 365-770. with half-titles. 5 maps & plans (3 folding). 96 illus. on 64 plates. index. untrimmed in original decorated cloth (slight fraying to spine ends, library markings faintly visible on lower spines, several library stamps but a good tight copy). First Edition. An important detailed eye-witness account of the Boxer Rebellion written by an American Protestant missionary to China. At the time of publication Smith had served twenty-nine years in the country for the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Smith together with 23 other missionaries and 100 Chinese Christians were forced to leave the northern provinces for Peking where they took refuge with other foreigners in the Legation quarter. There they were besieged for 55 days by Boxers and troops of the Imperial Chinese Army until they were liberated by Alliance forces.
$450 USD Book Number: elala5953 Order / Enquire
[THIBERGE, Louis].
Lettre De Messieurs Des Missions Étrangères Au Pape, Sur Les Idolatries Et Les Superstitions Chinoises.
[cParis: c1700]..
8vo. pp. 136. A nice copy in contemporary mottled calf, gilt back (slight wear to lower spine). First Edition? "A documented history of the Chinese rites controversy, including complete text of many of the documents." (Bell) Included are, pp. 99-102, the Abbé Jacques Charles de Brisacier's revocation of his approbation given in 1687 to Jesuit Michel Le Tellier's book, Défense des nouveaux Chréstiens et des Missionnaires de la Chine, and, pp. 103-136, Éstat De La Question qui se traite présentement à Rome, sur les honneurs que les Chinois rendent à Confucius & à leurs Ancêtres Morts. One copy is cited in NUC (Bell Library), which also lists a Cologne edition of 1700. Bell T64. cfCordier 885-86. cfLust 912-14.
$961 USD Book Number: FHItt[TH21 Order / Enquire
Families Of the World Family Life at the Close of the Twentieth Century Volume 2 East Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific.
New York: Farrar, Straus And Giroux, [1990]..
8vo. pp. xvi, [1 leaf], 283. numerous maps & colour illus. quarter cloth. First Edition.
$51 USD Book Number: FEMmiTRE41 Order / Enquire
Familienleben In China.
Berlin: Hans W.Gerlt, 1934..
8vo. pp. 29, [3]. frontis. (Chinese script). original wrs. in original yellow silk folding case. First Edition; Limited to 500 Numbered Copies.
$128 USD Book Number: FIUmiTSI37 Order / Enquire
WHITTAKER, Clio (Contributing Editor).
An Introduction To Oriental Mythology.
[London]: New Burlington Books, [1989]..
4to. pp. 127, [1]. biblio. index. illus. throughout in colour (some full-page). cloth. dw. First Edition.
$36 USD Book Number: FITIWHIT76 Order / Enquire
Outlines Of Chinese Symbolism And Art Motives An alphabetical compendium of antique legends and beliefs, as reflected in the manners and customs of the Chinese.
New York: Dover Publications, Inc., [1976]..
8vo. pp. xxi, 472 +[15]ads. index. map. text illus. wrs. Third Revised Edition.
$31 USD Book Number: FLLtlWIL76 Order / Enquire
[YAMAGUCHI, H.S.K. & Frederick DE GARIS].
We Japanese Being Descriptions Of Many Of The Customs, Manners, Ceremonies, Festivals, Arts And Crafts Of The Japanese Besides Numerous Other Subjects.
Miyanoshita, Hakone: Fujiya Hotel, Ltd., [1950]..
3 Books in 1. 8vo. pp. [20], 591, [1]. profusely illus. patterned cloth. Ninth Printing of Book I, Sixth Printing of Book II, Second Printing of Book III.
$150 USD Book Number: dola2316 Order / Enquire
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