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BUCKLE, Henry Thomas [1821-1862].
Essays.With A Biographical Sketch Of The Author.
New York: D.Appleton & Company, 1871..
12mo. pp. 209. original cloth (spine faded). Including Mill On Liberty and The Influence Of Women On The Progress Of Knowledge.
$85 USD Book Number: elala2405 Order / Enquire
BURKE, Edmund [1729-1797].
A Philosophical Enquiry Into The Origin of our Ideas Of The Sublime And Beautiful. The Fifth Edition. With an introductory Discourse concerning Taste, and several other Additions.
London: Printed for J.Dodsley, 1767..
8vo. pp. ix, [7], 342. woodcut title vignette. contemporary sheep (worn, spine oxidized, front cover detached, internally very good). Fifth Edition. Todd 5e. cfRand II 714.
$300 USD Book Number: PRKPhBUR5 Order / Enquire
BURKE, Edmund [1729-1797].
Reflections On The Revolution In France, And On The Proceedings In Certain Societies In London Relative To That Event.
London: Printed For J.Dodsley, 1790..
8vo. pp. iv, 356. contemporary quarter morocco, leather label on upper cover with gilt coronet & initials 'HB' (rubbed, edges worn). Second Edition, Third Impression. Burke's eloquent indictment of the 'horrors' and excesses of the French Revolution earned him a European authority and popularity that he never attained in his own country or with his own party. Todd 53d. Goldsmiths' 14519. Martin & Walter 5570. cfRothschild 522. cfPrinting and the Mind of Man 239.
$1350 USD Book Number: elala2408 Order / Enquire
CABET, Étienne [1788-1856].
Voyage En Icarie.
Paris: 'Au Bureau du Populaire', 1845..
18mo. pp. 2 p.l., viii, 600. with half-title. 19th 19th century half roan (extremities worn, some light browning & foxing). Cabet wrote his famous communistic romance in London, where he had fled to escape prosecution for his political views and attacks on the French government. It was published after his return to France in 1839, where he also began to disseminate his political ideas in the journal the Populaire, attracting considerable support among the radical working class. Influenced by Owen, he entered into negotiations to purchase land in Texas to put his theories into practice. He drew up an elaborate scheme for his colony 'Icaria', whose leading principle was community of property, and the first colonists were sent out on the third of February 1848. The colony met with disaster, and Cabet decided to go to America himself to lead those remaining to settle at Nauvoo in Illinois. Kress C.6555. cfNegley 175. cfSabin 9787. cfStreeter VII 4245.
$769 USD Book Number: PBEyaCAB46 Order / Enquire
CAMPANELLA, Th[ommaso] [1568-1639].
De Monarchia Hispanica. Editio novissima, aucta & emendate ut praefatio ad lectorem indicat.
Amsterdam: Louis Elzevier, 1653..
24mo. pp. 4 p.l. (incl. engraved title), 376. woodcut head & tailpieces & initials. contemporary vellum (some damage to lower right edge of front cover). rubberstamp on verso of title of King's Library, Palais Royal. Third and Last Elzevier Edition of this treatise by the Dominican friar, philosopher, theologian, political theorist, theologian and poet. Written during his 27 years' imprisonment for sedition against Spanish colonial rule, as were most of his more important works including The City of the Sun, De Monarchia Hispanica expresses Campanella's utopian vision of a universal theocratic monarchy under the King of Spain. The last two chapters discuss the colonies of the New World, pp. 274-301. European Americana 653/24. Sabin 10197. Willems 1159. Rahir 1183. Berghman 1743.
$600 USD Book Number: elala5584 Order / Enquire
CARNAP, Rudolf.
Formalization Of Logic. [Studies In Semantics Volume II].
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1947..
8vo. pp. xviii, 159. biblio. index. cloth. ownership entry of American philosopher Alan Gewirth who has scored a few lines. Very good copy. Second Printing.
$100 USD Book Number: elala5791 Order / Enquire
CHALMERS, Rev. Thomas [1780-1847].
On The Power Wisdom And Goodness Of God As Manifested In The Adaptation Of External Nature to the Moral and Intellectual Constitution Of Man.
London: William Pickering, 1839..
2 Volumes [bound in 1]. 8vo. pp. xi, [1 leaf], 284; vi, 304. with half-titles. modern bds. One of a series of eight works, on the power, wisdom and goodness of God as manifested in the creation known as the 'Bridgewater Treatises'. They were written at the request of the trustees of Francis Henry Egerton, eighth and final Earl of Bridgewater [1756-1829] in accordance with the provisions of his will.
$200 USD Book Number: elala2315 Order / Enquire
CHARRON, Pierre [1541-1603].
Of Wisdome Three Bookes Written In French.
London: Printed for Nathaniel Ranew and Jonathan Robinson, 1670.
small 4to. pp. 14 p.l., 524, [18]index, [1 leaf]ads. engraved title. An attractive copy in full gilt-paneled black morocco, gilt back & inside dentelles, all edges gilt (front joint repaired, occasional light foxing). Eighth Edition of the English Translation by Samson Lennard (first: c1608) of Charron's most famous treatise, in which he presents a complete popular theory of moral philosophy. De La Sagesse, first published in 1601, was "one of the first important philosophical works to be written in a modern language and to present a moral theory apart from religious considerations." (Popkin, Encyc. of Philosophy) It "was highly influential in disseminating sceptical views and arguments into philosophical and theological discussions and played an important role in the development of modern thought, libertinism, and fideism." (Idem) The sceptic philosopher and theologian Charron was the disciple and intellectual heir of Montaigne, who adopted him as his son. Wing C3719. cfRand I p. 144.
$1649 USD | Book Number: elala858 | Order / Enquire |
CHECCHINI, Aldo & Norberto BOBBIO (Editors).
Marsilio Da Padova: Studi Raccolti Nel Centenario Della Morte.
Padua: Cedam, Pubblicazioni della Facolta di Giurisprudenza Della R. Università di Padova, 1942..
8vo. pp. 328, [1]. text in Italian. wrs. (wrs. partly discoloured & edges chipped). ownership entry of American philosopher Alan Gewirth. First Edition.
$125 USD Book Number: dola2263 Order / Enquire
CHENEVIX, Richard [1774-1830].
An Essay Upon National Character: Being An Inquiry Into Some Of The Principal Causes Which Contribute To Form And Modify The Characters Of Nations In The State Of Civilisation.
London: James Duncan. 1832..
2 Volumes. 8vo. pp. vii, 532; iv, 589, [1], [1 leaf]errata. contemporary half calf, gilt backs (rubbed, light foxing to outer leaves). First Edition. Edited by Thomas P.Knox and published posthumously. The author was an Irish chemist and mineralogist. Including chapters on religion, government, intellect, industry, war, social habits, and patriotism.
$346 USD Book Number: PENECHEN6 Order / Enquire
CLARKE, Edward H[ammond] [1820-1877].
Sex In Education; Or, A Fair Chance For Girls.
Boston: James R.Osgood And Company..., 1874..
8vo. pp. 1 p.l., 181. A fine copy in original cloth. Fifth Edition (first: 1873). Clarke believed that advanced education for women damaged their societal role and the development of their reproductive organs.
$200 USD Book Number: elala4927 Order / Enquire
COMTE, [Isidore Marie] Auguste [François Xavier] [1798-1857].
Système De Politique Positive, Ou Traité De Sociologie, Instituant la Religion de l'Humanité.
Paris: L.Mathias & Carilian-Goeury Et Vor. Dalmont, 1851-54..
5 Volumes in 4 (incl. appendix). 8vo. pp. 1 p.l., 748; 1 p.l., [v]-xxxv, 472, [1 leaf]; 1 p.l., [v]-xlix, 624, [1 leaf]; xxxviii, [1 leaf], 556, [10], [blank leaf]; 2 p.l., iv, 229, [1 leaf]. with half-titles in Vol. IV & appendix vol. only. 3 folding tables. contemporary binder's cloth (headpieces frayed, scattered foxing - generally light). First Edition. "[Comte's] political philosophy, elaborated on the basis of his positive sociology, was a noteworthy attempt to reconcile science with religion, and the ideals of the Revolution of 1789 with the doctrine of the counter-revolution of his own time.Comte's sociology was overly intertwined with his conception of the right polity. In Comte's view, society had broken down with the French Revolution. The Revolution had been necessary because the old order, based on outdated "theological"- Catholic- knowledge, no longer served as a respectable basis for shared opinions; it had been undermined by the progress of the sciences. The Revolution itself offered no grounds for the reorganization of society because it was "negative" and metaphysical in its assumptions. The task, therefore, was to provide a new religion, and a new clergy, that could once again unify society. Comte's solution was a science on which all could agree. In place of the Catholic priesthood, Comte proposed a scientific-industrial elite that would announce the "invariable laws" to society." (Encycl. of Philosophy) Included in Volume IV are 2 appendices, the second with separate title: Bibliothèque Positiviste Au Dix-Neuvième Siècle. Cent Cinquante Volumes and Appendice Générale Du Système De Politique Positive Contenant Tous Les Opuscules Primitifs De L'Auteur Sur La Philosophie Sociale. Einaudi 1204.
$1399 USD Book Number: elala1509 Order / Enquire
[CONDILLAC, Étienne Bonnot de, Abbé] [1715-1780].
Essai sur l'Origine des Connoissances Humaines.
Amsterdam: Pierre Mortier, 1746..
2 Volumes in 1. 12mo. pp. xxx [errata on p. xxiv], 265; 2 p.l., 292. complete with half-titles. contemporary mottled calf, gilt back (joints cracked, some marginal scoring throughout, slight embrowning). From the library of Eugène Lefebvre de Fourcy with his stamp on verso of front blank. 3-leaf ms. index in later hand tipped in at end. First Edition of Condillac's first work, on philosophy and psychology, containing the germ of all the themes and ideas he developed during his lifetime. In it the author accepts Locke's deduction of our knowledge from the two sources, sensation and reflection, and uses the association of ideas as the main principle in accounting for this knowledge. Condillac was largely responsible for the systematic establishment in France of Lockian sensationalism and he became the "father of French philosophy in the 18th century." (C.Mallet in Nouvelle Biographie Générale) Barbier II 235. Cioranescu I 20327. Rand I 156. Tchemerzine III 474.
$1898 USD Book Number: elala529 Order / Enquire
CONDILLAC, Étienne Bonnot de, Abbé] [1715-1780].
Essai sur l'Origine des Connoissances Humaines.
Amsterdam: Pierre Mortier, 1746..
2 Volumes. 12mo. pp. xxiv, 265; 2 p.l., 292. complete with half-titles. contemporary mottled calf, gilt backs. Published the same year as the first edition. Condillac's first work, on philosophy and psychology, contained the germ of all the themes and ideas he developed during his lifetime. In it the author accepts Locke's deduction of our knowledge from the two sources, sensation and reflection, and uses the association of ideas as the main principle in accounting for this knowledge. Condillac was largely responsible for the systematic establishment in France of Lockian sensationalism and he became the "father of French philosophy in the 18th century." (C.Mallet in Nouvelle Biographie Générale) Barbier II 235. Cioranescu I 20327. Rand I 156. cfTchemerzine III 474.
$1499 USD Book Number: elala3201 Order / Enquire
CONDILLAC, [Étienne Bonnot] de, Abbé [1715-1780].
Cours D'Étude Pour L'Instruction Du Prince De Parme, Aujourd'hui S.A.R. L'Infant D. Ferdinand, Duc De Parme, Plaisance, Guastalle, &c.&c.&c.
Parma.Paris: Monory, 1776..
16 Volumes. 8vo. with half-titles. lacking 9 engraved plates in Vol. III? (never bound in). Uncut in original wrs., rebacked in paper (spines chipped, some volumes with scattered marginal dampstaining). "The Cours contains a pedagogy following directly from [Condillac's] psychology.since the human spirit is formed progressively, a sound method of education ought to follow nature and aid simply the spontaneous development of the child." (Translation, Dict. des Lettres Français) "His ideas have deeply influenced modern educational thought." (Cabeen) The work is divided into grammar, writing, art of reasoning, art of thinking, ancient and modern history. cfBrunet II 216. cfCioranescu 20324. cfRand I 156. cfTchemerzine III p. 479.
$923 USD Book Number: PNDurCON89 Order / Enquire
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