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VOLTAIRE, [François Marie Arouet de] [1694-1778].
L'Ingenu; Or, The Sincere Huron: A True History.
Dublin: Printed for J.Milliken, 1768..
12mo. pp. contemporary sprinkled calf, gilt back (numbered Vol. XXVI on spine). First Dublin Edition. Voltaire's classic philosophical tale of the noble savage of the New World - a Canadian Huron, and his encounters with and impressions of the hypocrisy and corruptness of civilized European society. The work enjoyed immense popularity, being widely translated and frequently reprinted and adapted to the stage. cfNCBEL II 101. cfLande S2289. cfSabin 100747.
$769 USD Book Number: PLTInVOL99 Order / Enquire
[VOLTAIRE, François Marie Arouet de] [1694-1778].
Lettre Philosophique, Par Mr. De V***, Avec Plusieurs Pièces Galantes Et Nouvelles De Différens Auteurs. Nouvelle Édition Augmentée De Plusieurs Pièces.
London: Au dépens de la Compagnie, 1757..
8vo. pp. 285, [3]. woodcut tailpieces. 19th century bds. (worn). Originally published at The Hague in 1738, this collection of writings begins with the letter on the soul. It should not be confused with Voltaire's Lettres Philosophiques (Letters Concerning the English Nation). Bengesco II p. 20 (1558n).
$250 USD Book Number: elala5774 Order / Enquire
[VOLTAIRE, François Marie Arouet de] [1694-1778].
Lettre Philosophique, Par Mr. De V***, Avec Plusieurs Pièces Galantes Et Nouvelles De Différens Auteurs. Nouvelle édition augmentée de plusieurs pièces.
London: Au dépens de la Compagnie, 1775..
12mo. pp. 316. Uncut in original wrs. Originally published at The Hague in 1738, this collection of writings begins with the letter on the soul. It should not be confused with Voltaire's Lettres Philosophiques (Letters Concerning the English Nation). Bengesco II p. 20 (1558n, citing 8vo.).
$250 USD Book Number: elala5775 Order / Enquire
VOLTAIRE, [François Marie Arouet] de [1694-1778].
Contes De Guillaume Vadé.
[Geneva: Cramer], 1764..
8vo. pp. xvi, 386, [2]. complete with half-title. woodcut title vignette. A fine copy in contemporary mottled calf, gilt back. First Edition. Bengesco I 660. Cioranescu 63982.
$1238 USD Book Number: elala166 Order / Enquire
WAKEFIELD, Gilbert [1756-1801.
An Examination Of The Age Of Reason, By Thomas Paine: The Second Edition.With An Appendix Of Remarks On A Letter From David Andrews.
London: Sold By Kearsley And Shepperson And Reynolds, 1794..
8vo. pp. 1 p.l., 72, [2]ads, [1 leaf], [59]-66. complete with final blank. disbound. Second Edition, Revised & Enlarged. Stephans pp. 32-3.
$250 USD Book Number: PKEEWAKE64 Order / Enquire
WALLACE, W[illiam] [1844-1897].
Life Of Arthur Schopenhauer.
London: Walter Scott, 1890..
8vo. pp. 217, x, [4]. original cloth, top edge gilt, others uncut (spinal extremities frayed). First Edition. Rand I p. 464.
$85 USD Book Number: PLLfeWAL59 Order / Enquire
[WARBURTON, William] [1698-1779].
A View Of Lord Bolingbroke's Philosophy; In Four Letters to a Friend...
London: Printed for John and Paul Knapton, 1754-55-55..
3 Volumes in 1. 8vo. pp. 1 p.l., 175; lxiv, 115; 1 p.l., 196. 19th century half calf. First Editions.
$600 USD Book Number: elala4459 Order / Enquire
WATSON, R[ichard] [1737-1816].
An Apology For The Bible, In A Series Of Letters, Addressed To Thomas Paine.
New-York: Printed by T. & J. Swords, 1796..
12mo. pp. 178. with half- title. contemporary sheep (worn, front joint cracked, browned). Evans 31569. cfThetford Collection 516.
$103 USD Book Number: PTSAWATS8 Order / Enquire
WATTS, Isaac [1674-1748].
Logick: Or, The Right Use of Reason In The Inquiry After Truth. With A Variety of Rules to guard against Error in the Affairs of Religion and Human Life, as well as in the Sciences.A New Edition, Corrected.
Edinburgh: Printed For Charles Elliot, 1781..
12mo. pp. 2 p.l., vi, [7]-332. with half-title. contemporary sheep (rubbed, head of spine & corners chipped, paper lightly embrowned, occasional spotting). early ownership entries of Jedediah and William Prendergast, the former dated 1791. Later Edition: first published in 1725, Watt's Logick served as an introductory textbook to the subject in institutions of higher learning in Britain and America into the nineteenth century. The non-conformist minister wrote a number of other educational manuals and was also well-known as an hymn-writer. cfRand II 681.
$225 USD Book Number: PTTgiWAT31 Order / Enquire
Prairie Fire The Politics Of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism. Political Statement Of The Weather Underground.
[San Francisco]: Communications Co., 1974..
8vo. pp. 5 p.l., 152. illus. wrs. (few tears to wr. edges).
$200 USD Book Number: dola643 Order / Enquire
[WHATELY, Richard] [1787-1863].
Historic Doubts Relative To Napoleon Buonaparte. Fourth American From The Eleventh London Edition, With A Postscript.
Boston & Cambridge: James Munroe And Company, 1853..
8vo. pp. 75 + 4(ads). original blind-stamped & gilt-lettered cloth (spine defective, covers worn, some foxing & light dampstaining). Fourth American Edition. First published in 1819 when the future Archbishop of Dublin was 32. It was "the author's first essay in independent which he attempted to hoist [David] Hume with his own petard by showing that on his principles the existence of Napoleon could not be admitted 'as a well-authenticated fact'." (DNB)
$100 USD Book Number: elala5626 Order / Enquire
WOLFF, Christian [1679-1754].
Cosmologia Generalis, Methodo Scientifica Pertractata, Qua Ad Solidam, In rimis Dei Atque Naturae, Cognitionem Via Sternitur.Editio Nova Priori Emendatior.
Frankfurt & Leipzig: 1737..
4to. pp. 8 p.l., 448, [8]. folding plate. woodcut ornaments & initials. title in red & black. Uncut & unopened, in 19th century marbled wrs. Second Edition (first: 1731). "Wolff was essentially a popularizer and (to some extent inspired by Leibniz) sought to effect a formal synthesis between Scholasticism, the new mathematical methods, and more recent scientific conceptions.Wolff's deterministic formulations of his cosmological principles. emphasize the rational connections between things, given as sequences or coexistence.The visible world is a machine, operating in accordance with the laws of motion: almost one-third of the Cosmologia generalis treats these laws. (Gerd Buchdahl, DSB) "It was due to the influence of Wolff that theology was supplanted by philosophy as the leading discipline at German universities and the Wolffian system dominated German intellectual life until the time of Kant." (K.S.Pinson, Encyc. of Social Sciences) Rand I 534. cfSotheran 5458.
$519 USD Book Number: PLFsmWOL86 Order / Enquire
WOLFF, Robert Paul, Barrington MOORE, Jr. & Herbert MARCUSE.
A Critique Of Pure Tolerance.
Boston: Beacon Press, [1965]..
12. pp. VIII, 117, [2]. bds. (3 small spots on front cover). ownership entry of Canadian scholar, journalist, & broadcaster James Eayrs. First Edition.
$60 USD Book Number: dola2635 Order / Enquire
WUNDT, Wilhelm [Maximilian] [1832-1920].
Ethik. Eine Untersuchung Der Thatsachen Und Gesetze Des Sittlichen Lebens.
Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke, 1886..
8vo. pp. xi, 577. contemporary quarter roan (rubbed, spine faded, title foxed). First Edition. Wundt is best known as the founder of the sciences of experimental psychology and folk psychology, establishing at Leipzig in 1879 the world's first experimental laboratory in psychology, the Institut für Experimentelle Psychologie. "In philosophy he contributed greatly to the shift from positivism and neo-Kantianism to greater emphasis upon totality and organic relations and general conceptual and metaphysical questions. He created a stir with his Ethik., in which he not only assailed utilitarianism but insisted upon the reality of a general will and supported Hegel in the precedence over the individual which he gave to objective forms and institutions, such as the state." (A.Bierkandt, Encyc. of Social Sciences) Rand I p. 536 & II p. 888.
$577 USD Book Number: PNDhiWUN14 Order / Enquire
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